The sordid facts about the Tory ‘jobs revolution’ – in pictures

Last Updated: March 9, 2016By

It’s a sad day for the UK when a prime minister tells us pushing hundreds of thousands of people into the most insecure and uncertain work possible is a major success.

The number of workers on a zero-hours contract has soared by 477 per cent under David Cameron, according to the Office for National Statistics. Here’s the graph, courtesy of Eoin Clarke on Twitter:
160309zero-hours1That’s right – 801,000 people are now languishing in the uncertainty of a scheme in which they don’t know when they’ll be asked to work and won’t be paid if they aren’t.

The new figures replace those which were summed up very well in the following image:
160309zero-hours2The total number of zero-hours contracts in November last year (the latest date for which the ONS has figures) was 1.7 million – an increase of 0.3 million on those in the infographic – but a drop of 0.4 million from its May 2015 high (although the difference may be due to seasonal factors).

It’s a stark contrast with the situation in New Zealand, where this has happened:
160309zero-hours3We’ll never see that happen under the Conservative Party.

Under Labour, we just might.

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  1. Terry Davies March 9, 2016 at 4:44 pm - Reply

    vote of no confidence in the government should be focus of all the opposition parties.
    A block vote against all tory policies should be used abstainers should not be existing on any of the votes. This will get rid of tories for the interim and policies of deselection and voting processes should be changed and enshrined in law.

    • mohandeer March 9, 2016 at 5:40 pm - Reply

      On the governments proposal to take £30 from the ESA disabled – which has now been passed – several Labour MP’s abstained so the Tories aren’t the only problem this country has.

  2. mohandeer March 9, 2016 at 5:38 pm - Reply

    Nearly 5 million people either on zero hours, workfare or sanctions. Not counting the single parents unable to work 30 hours or the self employed now over 780,000(the highest since 1928).That’s some employment record the Tories have achieved(not)

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