Remember that idea about stripping away DWP deniability of benefit claimant deaths?
A couple of days ago, This Blog suggested a way to eliminate any doubt about the DWP’s responsibility for pushing sickness and disability claimants towards suicide.
You can read about it here.
I wrote the piece because I had just used it in an ESA appeal, representing a personal friend. I didn’t want to mention that fact until the result came in.
It has. We won.
Draw your own conclusions.
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It is an excellent idea Mike and definitely applies to me. In fact my GP wrote to them appx 2 years ago detailing the detrimental effect that the regime was having upon my mental health: I was moved immediately onto the support group from the WRAG and (touch wood) have not heard from them since, So they clearly DO have this evidence at their disposal, and therefore the policy amounts to culpable manslaughter at the very least.
Corporate manslaughter.
There is no crime of culpable manslaughter in the UK.
I keep having to explain this.
Ouch! Sorry – I have no real legal training. I just used the word as I understand it to mean, and would add words such as systematic to the charge – whatever the profession chooses to call it. Culpable as in meriting condemnation or blame especially as wrong or harmful. I’m sorry for not making that clearer
Well done Mike, hope others get the message and get a result x
Opens the floodgates, me thinks ?
Very good work Mike.
here is food for thought about MPs and legislation which I believe should be enacted urgently.
All MPs have their bank balances frozen and all their Assets from the period the government ceases.each mp has to complete a declaration that expenses claimed were legal and that all Parliamentary votes in which they participated were not informed by self interest motives. All voting was to benefit the UK majority and all their salary is payable due to their attendance at Parlianement for 75% Of time there were parliamentary votes. if constituents can prove they didnt attend for the required time their salary can be recalculated and the difference deducted from their bank accounts. likewise expenses claimed and they have burden of proof to show the taxpayers were not defrauded Failure to satisfy expenses claimed are not frsudulent redults in an excessive fine deducted from their bank accounts.
this principle can be applied to their Pensions , travelling, and housing costs
Well, that sure sets the cat amongst the pigeons! Would the MPs have to vote on this? Would there have to be a department to check out all this stuff? I like the idea, but that is all it is. No way would this even be mooted!
agree with all the above,mps have been getting away with serving in their self interests for decades it all wants seriously scrutinising
Sir Robert Devereux KCB
Permanent Secretary
Department for Work and Pensions
Caxton House
Tothill Street
SW1H 9NA 4 March 2016
Dear Robert,
Thank you for your letter of 8 February 2016.
Adherence to the clear rules around pre release access is vital in ensuring trustworthy
statistics. I am pleased to see the action you have taken in response to the breach of the pre release access arrangements for ONS Labour Market Statistics. And I particularly welcome your commitment to maintain high standards of compliance in this and all other aspects of
official statistics.
I am copying this letter to Sir Andrew Dilnot, Chair of the UK Statistics Authority and John Pullinger, National Statistician.
Yours sincerely,
Ed Humpherson
See, they do actually know about them but, Heaven forfend that they would ever Publish anything remotely akin to Trustworthy Statistics; the Enforcers…SRI Con-sultants, would have their Gonads for Breakfast.
Garde Loo Gideon is so concerned about the rigged Statistics he has demanded over the past 6 years that he is now claiming that the Office of Numerical Simpletons needs re-financing, we consider that a large dose Ethical Tonic would be of more benefit; instead of stealing Benefits from the poor by publishing fraudulent Statistics.
Well Done Mike
God result Mike kudos.