Nicky Morgan and the Tories have “ruined children’s futures” – Mumsnet

Last Updated: March 21, 2016By
'Thicky' Nicky Morgan: Look at those staring eyes - no intelligence there!

‘Thicky’ Nicky Morgan: Look at those staring eyes – no intelligence there!

Mums have pilloried Thicky Nicky after she tried to justify privatising every school in England and depriving us all of the right to object.

Mumsnet commenters objected with gusto and the Education secretary was left in no doubt that her plan is a complete flop – and will cost the Tories many thousands of votes.

The education secretary, Nicky Morgan, has come under fire from furious parents on Mumsnet following a guest post in which she defended government plans to force all schools to become academies.

Hundreds of parents responded to the post which went up on Friday after the publication of the education white paper and continued to attract comments over the weekend and into Monday.

Reaction from contributors was almost uniformly hostile, condemning the plans as “horrifying” and Morgan’s post as “patronising”. Many said they had signed a petition calling on the government to scrap its plans to turn all schools into academies.

The education secretary wrote in her post that she wanted to explain what academisation meant and why she thought it was the best way forward. “We need to put our trust into the hands of the people that know best how to run our schools – the teachers – and the academy system does just that.

“It gives schools greater autonomy to make the decisions that are right for their community and pupils. After all, we have the finest generation of teachers ever and being part of an academy helps put the power back in their hands.”

“What a load of absolute crap,” responded one contributor known as mercifulTehlu. “If I were even considering voting Tory next time, this above all else would stop me. Paying big bosses of academy chains hundreds of thousands of pounds while being unwilling or unable to recruit, pay and retain qualified and experienced teachers? No thanks.”

“Complete and utter rubbish,” said GingerIvy. “You ought to be ashamed of yourself for peddling this as an improvement for children’s educations.”

“I am struggling to write something that wouldn’t earn me a deletion,” said yesterdayoncemore. “There is so much wrong with the white paper, I don’t even know where to start. Gove, Morgan and the Conservatives have ruined my children’s futures.”

Source: Nicky Morgan under fire over Mumsnet post on academisation | Education | The Guardian

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  1. hayfords March 21, 2016 at 5:58 pm - Reply

    This is no different to turning schools into comprehensives despite objections. It is a belief of the government in power that they are doing the right thing and it will be of benefit to the pupils.

    • Mike Sivier March 21, 2016 at 6:18 pm - Reply

      It certainly IS different to turning schools into comprehensives – these hugely valuable public assets will be taken away from us and put in the hands of privately-run corporations, where they will be treated as assets to be bought and sold, rather than as vital public services.
      The Mumsnet mums are absolutely right and Nicky Morgan should think again or resign and let the next education secretary ditch the policy.

      Was this in the Conservative Manifesto, by the way?

      • hayfords March 21, 2016 at 6:48 pm - Reply

        You may be confusing this policy with free schools.

        The existing schools that will become academies will just lose council control in a similar manner to those which have become foundation schools. The difference is that the council still fund foundation schools but are beyond their control.

        There will be no transfer of assets to private companies as the academies won’t be run by companies. They will be run by the head teacher and funded by central government. All that is happening is the local council will be taken out of the loop.

        • Mike Sivier March 21, 2016 at 7:29 pm - Reply

          Academies are privately-owned and run, and take their funding and orders from Westminster, rather than local education authorities.
          What does a London-based education secretary know about educational needs in North Yorkshire, central Birmingham or Powys? Very little.
          There is no advantage to this idea at all but there are many disadvantages.
          Oh, and Free Schools are academies. Didn’t you know?

      • joanna March 21, 2016 at 7:22 pm - Reply

        your next article Poll: Should George Osborne resign? is coming up as not found!

        • Mike Sivier March 21, 2016 at 7:29 pm - Reply

          Try again – it is up.

    • Terry Davies March 22, 2016 at 10:29 am - Reply

      Hayfords it is imbecilic to even suggest that there is any comparison between the principles of privatising comprehensives and privatisation of schools.
      Your lack of awareness that regulations can be gradually changed when public acceptance wrongfully occurs is not surprising. You display a marked deficiency in joined up thinking. Both are products of dictatorships so it shows that you have no relevant contribution in this debate.

  2. Barry Davies March 21, 2016 at 6:24 pm - Reply

    Well turning the schools into comprehensives destroyed some very good schools, and harmed a lot of pupils chances, this goes one step further than they did and will just end up a complete mess up like making all the hospitals trusts did.

  3. mohandeer March 21, 2016 at 6:52 pm - Reply

    “The education secretary wrote in her post that she wanted to explain what academisation meant and why she thought it was the best way forward.”
    This about sums thicky Nicky up. How to be totally condescending and patronising in one simple sentence. She really does believe we are all dumb and stupid that we need to be informed of what Academisation actually means.
    Presumably because we are all so stupid and thick, not wot she is like?
    Give me strength!

  4. paulmac49 March 21, 2016 at 7:39 pm - Reply

    These Tories do as they like, and nine times out of ten they get away with it.

  5. Chris Bergin. March 21, 2016 at 7:49 pm - Reply

    Lets face it, if councils no longer control schools then even more money will be removed from local budgets and we will have far fewer chances to educate for anything except ‘carers and button pushers’. I would want more for my children

  6. hayfords March 21, 2016 at 9:04 pm - Reply

    A free school is not the same as an academy. Free schools are new schools set up with their own assets. Academies are conversions from existing schools. In most cases the assets stay under the control of the local authorities and leases are granted with the local authority retaining the assets and becoming the landlord. Only ‘trust schools’ have their assets transferred to the charitable trust running the academy.

    • Mike Sivier March 22, 2016 at 1:09 pm - Reply

      Free Schools are part of the academy system. Go away and learn something.

  7. David March 21, 2016 at 10:19 pm - Reply

    Nicky Morgan has been brought up in a bad school. As Gove’s protege she could only be useless when she inherited his old job. Cameron’s appointments beggar belief.

  8. Thomas March 22, 2016 at 12:34 am - Reply

    This will make good education unavailable to the children of the poor. As well as making things harder for teachers.

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