Dying dad’s disability benefits axed after he CUDDLED his little girl during assessment
A dying dad has told how his disability benefit was axed – after he lovingly reached out to hug his four-year-old daughter.
Father-of-five Mark Roberts, 45, has just two years to live after surviving a massive heart attack.
But he says he scored zero on a test of his mobility and daily living after an assessor watched him embrace his little girl Saffron, who was suffering from chicken pox.
“It’s so shocking,” said Mr Roberts.
“I would rather risk my own health by leaning forward to hug my daughter than see her struggle. I don’t know what that’s got to do with anything.”
The devastating letter informing him his money had been cut … includes the line: “You were able to sit forward on the sofa on one occasion in order to cuddle your daughter.”
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The individual who rote that observation should be publicly flogged
this is beyond disgusting this government has a lot to answer for and I can honestly say I am ashamed to be associated with this country.
you cant make these storys yet day in day out new ones come to light aktion t4 rolling along without much of a ado jeff3
This is a total joke from the con party if there going on a witch hunt we may all be poorer than poor!! & they say its gonna get worse!!
IDS certainly had some lovely and appropriate tests and very nice people conducting them , didn’t he?
Many thanks to Yvette Cooper for agreeing to the WCA which enabled an ATOS or Maximus assessor (I use the term loosely) to seize an opportunity to deprive him of his entitlement. The “Assessors” have a monetary motivation and many are therefore driven to disregard objective analysis in favour of financial reward.
After the years of hearing the stories of those suffering under the terrorism of this government and its (non-)benifits system, it’s all too easy to lose the initial shocked feelings. This one is a wake-up back to reality. I’m not personally affected, as you are Mike, but I can’t take much more.
Mike, Can we get Mark on Fund Me? Does he need help with his appeal? I’m offering my services. How do I get in touch? And Mike, your blog is bang on!
I’ll try to look into it.
I hope this guy appeals.
There is no justice. It doesn’t make sense. We have at least 3 people living near us who have never worked. One of them came to our country from a former Yugoslavia country, was given council house and immediate benefits. That was quite a few years ago and he was young enough to work. How do they get away with it and how do these assessors sleep at night??
And you know everything about these three people, while also being a doctor and a qualified assessor for the government, do you?
The possibility seems doubtful.
MAXIMUS HAVE LAW SUITS in the good old usa AGAINST THEM TOTALING UP TO $50MILLION li fines Against their practices in America ,yet ourstupid government deems the company decent enough to run our Assessments ,, now between them and Atos there have been 2300 deaths due to sanctions and cutting benefits within 2 weeks of losing their claims theyandthe government are as bent as 9 bob notes and this welfare scheme is the biggest scam ever and not done to benefit the disabled but to benefit camoron and the rest of his shysters,this informationis freely available on the net if people care to research it
I’m the one who forced the Conservative Government to release it. Due to the timescale involved, it wasn’t just Maximus but Atos as well.
That wouldn’t work where I live. The Community is so small and everyone knows everyone else’s business that such an Assessor would not be able to hide from local exposure on Social Media, and would be at very high risk of suffering serious social disapprobation thereafter unless given 24hrs Police protection. Our Community doesn’t like Jobsworths like that!
Sorry but I don’t believe this. If he scored zero on mobility then he must be relatively mobile. Perhaps he claimed that he could not even sit forward and then it became clear that he could. If we could see the full assessment I am sure things would be clearer.
Sorry but I do believe it, having attended an assessment myself and heard or read accounts of many more.
You seem just a little eager to accept the DWP’s side of this.
The full assessment is, of course, confidential as it relates to matters that are the claimants private affair.
Bear in mind that this man is dying, and have a bit of respect.
I don’t know what to say bout this I am so shocked, there is something very evil in our world today. Why are we letting this sort of thing happen. Was he already on medication at the time of his massive heart attack and are they sure it wasn’t the medication that caused it? or the stuff he’s taking now thats doing him harm?. I was harmed by meds given to me by a so called Doctor and I was so ill I had to crawl up stairs on my hands and knees and no I never once applied for any bennefits because I didn’t know what was happening to me till I went to my health food store. Now although far from perfect at least I don’t have the severe pain I had while taking them but god knows what other damage it’s done. I don’t know it Q10 will help but I take it from time to time because I cannot afford it all the time. But this might help I’m not sure but he should look for the video run from the cure on Utube and speak to the guy in the video who has a face book paige too.I cannot afford this either and it’s illegal in this country but lots of countries it is legal and I know it helps all types of illness if he’s interested in an alternative. but if he has small children he needs to be here with them, good luck sir and I wish you well.