Is this appropriate language for a Labour MP, just because he supports Owen Smith?

Last Updated: August 27, 2016By

Here’s Jamie Reed MP, shaming the Labour Party with his response to a comment from an autistic Twitter user:

160827 Jamie Reed tweet

Marcus Harman describes himself in his Twitter profile as follows: “Autistic man. I don’t always understand Social rules. It’s hard. My brain works differently to yours. When I offend, gently explain why. I’ll try to right it.”

Does “Pass the Bacofoil” count as a gentle explanation?

No – it’s an allusion to the belief that wearing a hat made from tinfoil will protect one against government surveillance; a clear insult against an autistic man (although it would be no better if Mr Harman was not autistic, of course). If Mr Reed was a Jeremy Corbyn-supporting rank-and-file Labour Party member, he would be facing the loss of his voting privilege in the leadership election and possible suspension from the party.

But of course Mr Reed supports Owen Smith, so that’s all right then.

Oh, and Jamie? You might want to rethink your claim to be a member of the Rebel Alliance. In Star Wars, the story you’re referencing, the rebels believe in democracy.


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  1. Roland Laycock August 27, 2016 at 4:04 pm - Reply

    And yet another case of double standards what do these people think there doing bringing the Party into disrepute do they think there bullet proof its a clear case for discipline

  2. John August 27, 2016 at 4:16 pm - Reply

    Haha! I’ve actually got it wrong for once :)

    “is this appropriate language for a labour MP……”

    My inbox only showed this first bit……. and for a moment, I thought it was another post about Jess Philips!

    Mind you………

    Although Reed’s profile picture is of a young(ish) man, who looks like he’s dressed very professionally, that’s pretty much where his professionalism seems to end?

    I’ve seen some of his tweets…… c*cky, childish and immature springs to mind!

    ….. wonder if he’s related to Jess at all? :)

    • Mike Sivier August 27, 2016 at 4:54 pm - Reply

      Now, now. There’s enough information to use against both of them as it is.

  3. Damien Willey August 27, 2016 at 6:08 pm - Reply

    He is the most vile MP I’ve crossed swords with on twitter, nasty through and through

  4. Christine Cullen August 27, 2016 at 7:47 pm - Reply

    I am retired but familiar through my previous career that autistic children, let alone autistic adults, frequently have a hard time of it for no good reason other than public ignorance of their position. That this extends to a well educated, so-called professional MP is beyond the bounds of common decency.

  5. katythenightowl August 27, 2016 at 10:33 pm - Reply

    And yet again, a double standard will prevail . . . I wonder when Owen supporters will be banned for using this – and so much the worse – kind of language, to the voting public?

  6. Phil Lee August 28, 2016 at 12:18 am - Reply

    Wouldn’t this kind of behaviour be sufficient to have his Twitter account at least suspended and probably terminated (and himself blocked from opening another in future).
    I’m sure abusive tweets targeting vulnerable users are covered somewhere in their terms of use.
    Possibly worth asking twitter what their stance on this kind of abuse is?

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