Hospital patient waited almost two days on trolley because that’s what the Tories want

Last Updated: November 18, 2016By
Delay: The patient was at King’s College Hospital [Image: Alamy].

Delay: The patient was at King’s College Hospital [Image: Alamy].

Let us be perfectly clear about this: A patient was not kept waiting nearly two days on a hospital trolley because of failings in the NHS, but because a Conservative Government wanted it to happen.

The only reason there are any shortages in the NHS is that Conservative ministers want there to be shortages.

There is no shortage of money to fund the health service in England.

There is simply a shortage of will to fund the health service, on the part of Conservative MPs.

Think of all the tax cuts they have awarded themselves and their rich friends.

Remember: The Conservatives are underfunding the NHS in England by many billions of pounds.

People suffer because Jeremy Hunt wants them to.

A patient waited almost two days on a trolley in one of London’s biggest A&E units because of a shortage of specialist beds, it was revealed today.

King’s College Hospital, in Denmark Hill, was forced to keep the patient in its casualty department for 45 hours 50 minutes because a delay in finding a bed in a specialist psychiatric unit.

It was one of 15 cases between April and June in which the hospital trust kept patients on a trolley for more than 12 hours. All 15 were mental health patients and the delays were caused by the shortage of psychiatric beds in other hospitals.

The delays were exposed in responses to freedom of information requests by the Labour Party. They also show that St George’s Hospital in Tooting kept a patient on an A&E trolley for 36 hours 18 minutes — the second longest period in the country. This case also involved a mental health patient.

Source: Revealed: King’s College Hospital patient was left waiting almost two days on trolley | London Evening Standard

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  1. NMac November 18, 2016 at 3:22 pm - Reply

    Tories care nothing for suffering, just as long as they and their equally selfish friends can make money out of that suffering.

  2. Dez November 18, 2016 at 3:40 pm - Reply

    Not clear if the patient was restrained or sedated either way was an inhuman way of waiting for help and a total failure for the hospital. However a great sucess for those
    Dozy Cons NHS wreckers determined to get their own way and get their fellow money grabbers a piece of the action. i guess one of the joys of being such Cons is that they are usually covered by private insurance or rich enough to afford private treatment without mixing with the plebs. One of the reasons there is no budget is that those services that have been privatised and outsourced are causing the additional costs for fraud, service failures and the usual profiteering trademarks of these companies. The talentless soft political management of these companies are a scandal in themselves and will only get worse as more and more is shut down and outsourced..

  3. Christine Cullen November 18, 2016 at 4:06 pm - Reply

    Re St George’s Hospital, Tooting mentioned in the article, we in Carshalton and Sutton areas have been living with threatened closure of A&E depts (possibly the whole hospitals) in St Helier, Carshalton and Epsom Hospitals for years now. If they do close, emergencies will be sent to St George’s which is already chaotic.
    The mind boggles!

  4. Barry Davies November 18, 2016 at 4:33 pm - Reply

    What it actually shows is that the the policy of “care in the community” pushed for by the “do gooders” and supported by the conlablibdum party has left us with a dearth of beds for the acutely mentally ill, just as care in the community left us short of beds for what is euphemistically called learning difficulties. The scary thing is that after these two abject failures of moving care to the community the same is now being done for medical and accidental conditions. No doubt the same “do gooders are now compiling that there is not enough provision for what they complained about.

  5. Roland Laycock November 18, 2016 at 7:15 pm - Reply

    And who is going to stop the tories they hold all the cards

  6. Hiten November 18, 2016 at 7:37 pm - Reply

    Hitler used to sedate, starve and gas the mentally ill – we’ll same in this country.

    Mentally ill patients are being subjected to abuse under the section 3 of the mental health act.

    They are being overdosed – creating conditions, they never had. Starved -of water, food, and medication, then are left to die, in siderooms, through out the UK.

    Really sad, my sister was abused – called the police 8 times for assistance but was brushed off -‘we on terrorist watch’.


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