Netanyahu scores own goal in embracing anti-Semitic Zionists | Beastrabban\’s Weblog

Last Updated: November 28, 2016By
Donald Trump and Benjamin Netanyahu [Image: Jerusalem Post].

Donald Trump and Benjamin Netanyahu [Image: Jerusalem Post].

Remember all those months ago when the Jewish Labour Movement and the Blairites in the Labour party had a collective feeding frenzy and went howling after ‘Red’ Ken, accusing him of being a terrible anti-Semite? Livingstone had committed the unutterable crime of trying to defend other members of the Labour party, falsely accused of anti-Semitism, by stating quite truthfully that Hitler had supported the Zionist movement.

This is quite true. Before embarking on the horrific ‘Final Solution’ the Nazis had as a way of creating a Judenrein Germany. The gave aid and support to people smugglers sending Jews covertly to Palestine, then under the British Mandate. And the Zionists themselves preferred Nazi persecution of their people, to tolerance and the patriotic Jewish groups fighting to stay in their homelands, like the Jewish ex-servicemen’s league in Germany. The Zionist leaders made monstrous pronouncements about preferring all of the Jews in Germany to suffer at the hands of the Nazis rather than half of them being saved if they found sanctuary in England, so long as some went to Israel.

All this is a matter of historic fact. You can find it in the history books, including those written by very pro-Zionist Jews. Yet it didn’t stop the cries of anti-Semitism, or John Mann doorstepping Livingstone to scream the accusation at him. And many histories of Fascism have pointed out that anti-Semites elsewhere, including Britain, were also Zionists through their determination to cleanse their countries of their Jewish population.

Now it seems that Netanyahu and the other members of his Likud-led coalition cannot, by their own actions, accuse others of being anti-Semitic if they don’t equate anti-Zionism with anti-Semitism, or even worse, remind the world that many anti-Semites were pro-Zionist. ‘Cause Netanyahu has now done the same himself. He has publicly embraced Trump’s cabinet, which includes two notorious anti-Semites, for the support Trump is going to give Israel.

Source: Neve Gordon on Netanyahu Scoring Own Goal in Embracing Anti-Semitic Zionists | Beastrabban\’s Weblog

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  1. Roland Laycock November 28, 2016 at 6:14 pm - Reply

    So Donald Trump will get his orders from Benjamin Netanyahu and the quest to rule the world and mass murder of the palestinians will go on

  2. Barry Davies November 28, 2016 at 7:37 pm - Reply

    I know it was 1190 but the entire population of Jews was wiped out in York 150 might not be anywhere near the number the germans killed but like the Germans and indeed others with other gorups since they ethnically cleansed every one of the Jews in an anti semitic action.

    • Mike Sivier November 29, 2016 at 1:12 am - Reply

      I’m not sure I understand your point.

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