That ‘Nazi’ label just won’t leave Donald Trump alone. Here are a few reasons for it

Last Updated: January 24, 2017By

Donald Trump’s supporters can only blame themselves if he is being labelled as a Nazi unfairly; their behaviour has justified it.

Just look at this:

I tend to agree with Canary suprema Kerry-Anne Mendoza, who tweeted: “If someone has to stop you breaking into a sieg heil, you’re a straight-up Nazi. Period.”

Another phenomenon currently sweeping the online world is the challenge to describe Mr Trump in words that will fit a line in Mary Poppins‘ most famous song. Such as:

And I still like this one, which I already used but who’s counting, right? Here it is:

Some might say that all this Nazi imagery and criticism of Mr Trump as a Nazi himself – or at least a Nazi sympathiser – is entirely over the top.

I wouldn’t argue with that.

But when so many people come to the same conclusion from so many different directions, you have to consider that it might also be accurate. Time will tell.

… But his anti-abortion executive order, restricting women’s rights over their own bodies, certainly goes a long way toward confirming it:

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  1. Dez January 24, 2017 at 12:28 pm - Reply

    Didn’t we have one of them destroying the dhss recently. A least he wore the jack boots and clicked his heels with the salute although his actions on the poor, weakest and vulnerable were pretty much membership guaranteed.

  2. mohandeer January 24, 2017 at 12:54 pm - Reply

    Meanwhile the world looks away while neo nazi soldiers with swastikas on their uniforms led by a man wearing a swastika on his coat lapel are murdering Russian ethnics. On the other side of the globe, a neo nazi regime is using apartheid measures to ethnically cleanse a country they have illegally occupied for nearly 80 years while the west and most of the world are still looking away.
    What a wonderful hypocrisy the west is able to adopt when a narcissistic murderous megalomaniac can bomb seven countries in six years and receive a Nobel peace prize with a supporting cast of equally murderous war hawks willing to visit atrocities of untold carnage in the name of “democratization” without ever batting an eye at the ludicrous excuse for a war of aggression because the countries involved would not bend to the will of the aggressors.
    Killary Clinton the most heinous of the bunch of power mad psychos that constitute US politics would have used the War criminal enterprise euphemistically called NATO to start WW3 and Trump may – or may not – give us a break from Armageddon and we condemn him for the same things his opposition were just as guilty of. The difference is of course, Clinton hid her sins at every opportunity.
    I think it is called double standards, double speak and “how we love to hate”.
    While Trump is a cad and a bigot, he was popular for his promises of less interventionist policies – because so many Americans were sick of US illegal wars,and putting the American people first. What a novel approach to leadership of a corporate owned self serving nuclear armed country. Presumably the masses who do not like him, would not wish for these things. How peculiar, it seems that self destruction is indeed all we crave.
    I don’t like the Donald, but if he will deliver a few years of respite from Washington’s endless massacres of wedding parties and murderous culling of non head chopping monarchical ME civilians, I for one, would like to give him the chance to show us what he intends and just pray it is not more of the same. I think I’ll devote my energies to trying to bring about change that will actually help the helpless as opposed to lambasting a soft target
    Had as much enthusiasm been displayed in condemning the endless regime changes conducted by Bush and then Obama, with them being pilloried for their crimes against humanity and evidenced war crimes I might give some credence to the current wave of trump bashing, but alas, such condemnation was eschewed. It would seem that the majority of people prefer to stay silent or look the other way, it’s obviously so much easier.
    How f***ing sad is that?

  3. Barry Davies January 24, 2017 at 6:38 pm - Reply

    Why would Trump supporters employ the Nazi salute? surely it would have been Hilary supporters, who believe that because of the US’ strange electoral system was robbed, although they did not of course complain about it before the event.

    • Mike Sivier January 25, 2017 at 1:08 am - Reply

      No, it was definitely Trump supporters being discouraged from making the Nazi salute. Please don’t try to rewrite history.

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