Tories are using Universal Credit to attack young people trying to get started in work

Last Updated: March 5, 2017By

[Image: Getty.]

Universal Credit attacks the poor again.

We have already seen that UC is being used to penalise people on low-paying jobs for being on low-paying jobs – as though it is their failing rather than a failure by government and employers to ensure that people are paid a proper living wage.

Now Housing Benefit is being withdrawn from people aged less than 21, in an effort to force them to live with their families (even if there are good reasons for this not to happen) or on the streets.

More jobless youngers could be made to live on the streets as the Government moves ahead with plans to end housing support payments for under-21s.

The cut, which will apply to new Universal Credit claims made after April 1, was first announced by David Cameron and included in the Conservatives’ 2015 manifesto.

Despite calls by homelessness charities for Theresa May to break with her predecessor drop the policy, on Friday officials published secondary legislation to go ahead with the plans, while most MPs were at home in their constituencies.

Source: Homelessness expected to rise further as Government scraps housing benefit for young people

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  1. damo March 5, 2017 at 9:44 am - Reply

    What is it about the tories they just love to punnish dont they there such freaks and monsters …feasting and gorgeing on harming others espesh on the most vulnerable the disabled ,poor vulnerable youngsters …..who next

  2. hugosmum70 March 5, 2017 at 9:06 pm - Reply

    pensioners probably. have run out of words for those low lives in Westminster. think they have sunk well below the worst words in existence now

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