John Stuart Mill on the Right to Free Speech, vs. IDS and the Coalition

Last Updated: February 1, 2014By

“Unless you’re a prospective Corporate sponsor, and there’s money and directorships in it, Cameron and Clegg really don’t want to hear what you think or have to say.”
Well put.


  1. beastrabban February 1, 2014 at 3:31 pm - Reply

    Thanks, Mike! As for the quote that caught your eye, looking at the ‘Lobbying and Transparency Act’, that’s exactly how it is.

  2. […] "Unless you’re a prospective Corporate sponsor, and there’s money and directorships in it, Cameron and Clegg really don’t want to hear what you think or have to say." Well put.  […]

  3. […] Reblogged from Beastrabban's Weblog: John Stuart Mill is one of the great founders of the modern concepts of political liberty, democracy and equality for women.  […]

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