Labour HQ seizes control of post-Kaufman selection – to lever in David Miliband?

Last Updated: March 2, 2017By

So much for my hopes!

After Gerald Kaufman passed away, This Writer expressed the wish that the inevitable by-election his death triggered would be an opportunity “for Labour to pull itself together, for the party’s unfaithful MPs to get back in line and put the Tories – and all the other right-wing loonies – firmly in their place”.

Wishful thinking.

Instead, it seems the New Labour dinosaurs have already hijacked the selection process.

I can only hope the rumours aren’t true and that they are not really planning to install David Miliband as the candidate.

That would be a worse mistake than UKIP putting up Paul Nuttall in Stoke-on-Trent Central.

The sad death of ‘Father of the House’, Labour MP Gerald Kaufman has triggered yet another by-election. The previous two by-elections, in Stoke Central and Copeland, were the subject of sabotage attempts by Labour relics and even a current MP, as the party’s right attempted to manufacture twin defeats in order to bring down Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn.

Mr Kaufman died after a months-long illness and is likely to have known the prognosis. As the BBC reported in July last year, he was widely expected to step down in any case – and the Labour party suspended his CLP (constituency Labour party).

It’s not clear whether Labour’s national or regional HQ knew at this point about the likely outcome of Mr Kaufman’s illness, but even the BBC recognised at the time that the issue of his successor was at the heart of the issue.

Now it’s looking like the right wing of the party was playing the same unprincipled trick that they did with Wallasey and Brighton and Hove – confecting spurious allegations to ensure that local members were deprived of a say on the MP who represents them.

Labour’s north-west HQ will have full control of the selection of Kaufman’s successor.

And it looks like arch-blairite David Miliband will be the beneficiary.

Source: #Labour HQ seizes control of post-#Kaufman selection – to lever in #DMiliband | The SKWAWKBOX

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  1. Roy Beiley March 2, 2017 at 3:48 pm - Reply

    The idea is bananas. Unless the right wing Blairites have a long term strategy to lose in 2020 but succeed in 2025. By then we will have a Big Brother totalitarian regime in place so it doesn’t matter which Party get elected as it will be a continuum of repression.

  2. jbw31 March 2, 2017 at 4:13 pm - Reply

    Please no! He’s more far right than Ed Milly and Blair put together.

  3. Zippi March 2, 2017 at 4:57 pm - Reply

    Why will those (insert appropriate word) not listen to the people?

  4. Terry Jager March 2, 2017 at 7:16 pm - Reply

    IF the PLP are crass enough to do this and the local constituents are brave enough to withhold their vote , Would such a message be enough to stop the PLP and “moderates” from the hell bent course they are on ? This authoritarian ,we know best behavior is whats hurting the party the most .
    Such an awful choice to make for the local constituents but if not winning one seat stopped the infighting & in turn saved other seats up and down the country ….. Not really any different to the stunts the blair fan club pulled in stoke & copeland
    just a thought

  5. concernedkev March 2, 2017 at 11:12 pm - Reply

    This cannot pass without comment.
    I tweeted the other day when D Miliband appeared back on BBMI5C asking who would resign a safe seat or would be demised. I honestly had no knowledge of Gerald’s impending death but now the GHOULS have revealed their dirty hands. Like VULTURES CIRCLING a sick animal they are going to pick the body clean. If this happens as suggested and apparatchiks get their way then LEADERSHIP HAS TO TAKE DECISIVE ACTION AND BLOCK HIS MEMBERSHIP. HOW CAN SOMEONE WHO HAS LIVED OUTSIDE UK FOR YEARS STILL BE ON ELECTORAL ROLL?

  6. Linda March 3, 2017 at 10:50 am - Reply

    David Miliband will stick out like a sore thumb in Gorton. He will have nothing in common with the people who live there, and have no idea of the levels of poverty and deprivation, or how to serve the people in need. Much better to field a candidate who is local and understands the people and their struggles.

  7. Roland Laycock March 3, 2017 at 11:46 am - Reply

    David Miliband back on the gravy train NO WAY a true right winger sick

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