I bet few if any coalition MPs lost sleep over the Bedroom Tax or any of the other welfare cuts and atrocities.
charlene mcdermott
January 6, 2014 at 1:28 pm - Reply
Well now they all know how it feels not to be able to sleep properly good enough for them when there’s people struggling to sleep because they are worried sick about bills and worried about how they are gonna pay to put food on the table and how are they going to stay warm this winter and in some cases cant sleep a wink due to the fact they could be made homeless due to the bedroom tax and trying to pay the rent
You may aswell sleep David coz there is no way your getting back in!
[…] Reblogged from Pride's Purge: (not satire! […]
I bet few if any coalition MPs lost sleep over the Bedroom Tax or any of the other welfare cuts and atrocities.
Well now they all know how it feels not to be able to sleep properly good enough for them when there’s people struggling to sleep because they are worried sick about bills and worried about how they are gonna pay to put food on the table and how are they going to stay warm this winter and in some cases cant sleep a wink due to the fact they could be made homeless due to the bedroom tax and trying to pay the rent