Shocking extracts from the leaked report into sexual harassment by Lib Dem MP

Last Updated: January 23, 2014By

I’m not entirely familiar with the process but it seems likely there should be a ‘trigger alert’ on this, for those who need it.
This makes the most uncomfortable reading, but I think it is important that it is seen. It seems certain Liberal Democrats have been in the habit of abusing positions of power, even when they weren’t in government office.
Cyril Smith, the allegations against Lord Rennard and now Mike Hancock… The operative question now is, are there any more revelations waiting to come out?


  1. Colin Gilbey January 24, 2014 at 12:52 pm - Reply

    Personally, I believe elections should be fought on policy and past results, not degraded into a battle of sex scandals.

  2. […] Reblogged from Pride's Purge: (not satire – it's the Lib Dems) A few days ago I wrote about a report into a second shocking case of sexual harassment by a Lib Dem MP which has been blocked from public view by the Liberal Democrats: Lib Dems use…  […]

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