Iain Duncan Smith Faces Probe Over ‘Bogus’ Jobs On Jobseekers Website
Iain Duncan Smith should be quizzed about this when he appears on Sunday Politics over the weekend, but the BBC will probably bottle it.
Iain Duncan Smith should be quizzed about this when he appears on Sunday Politics over the weekend, but the BBC will probably bottle it.
£10 an hour as prostitute..? Has workfare reached into Prostitution already? I’d rather give it away than belittle myself..At least I’d have the luxury of choosing which partner to bestow my favours! LOL
IDS should be thrown out by the Tories. BBC should attack.
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This is the biggest a**ehole the world has ever seen; he lies and cheats and destroys the lives of the weakest in society. He is scum and why his wife has never divorced him, I’ll never know.