Poverty is driving people to sell their internal organs on the black market

Last Updated: March 13, 2014By

In fact I’m not surprised at all.
When I was working for a regional daily newspaper I covered a story in which a woman tried to sell a kidney – any way she could – in order to make ends meet after being (wrongfully, in her opinion) dismissed by her previous employer. Desperate times; desperate measures.
Despicable that it’s possible for government policy – and have no doubt, it IS government policy that is driving so many people into poverty – that is making such a situation possible.


  1. AM-FM March 13, 2014 at 11:43 am - Reply

    They’d also be sanctioned for running their own business.

    “Desperate times; desperate measures”
    Is that your next title?

  2. […] Originally posted on UNEMPLOYED IN TYNE & WEAR: > At one time I’d have maybe filed a story like this under ‘Urban Myth’… nowadays,…  […]

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