Iain Duncan Smith’s election present for the Golden Oldies: Bye Bye bus pass and fuel payments

Last Updated: March 21, 2014By

We should have been aware of this before – RTU (as some of us call him) made it clear that he didn’t want anything ring-fenced when it came to the next round of benefit cuts.
As for “there is no escape”, what happens if – by some miracle – all the people behind these policies are voted out of Parliament?


  1. Jean Casale March 21, 2014 at 7:36 pm - Reply

    Well, there we go then. Been waiting for RTU to make his move on the ‘pensioners’.

    Let me first say, there are pensioners and there are pensioners.

    1. Some pensioners live on their state pensions only, and get get help to pay Council Tax etc.

    2. There are pensioners who had really good jobs with really good work pensions, these also get their state pension.

    3.There are some pensioners who get state pension with a small work pension, but because they have a pound or two more than the government say they can live on, they do not get help with Council Tax etc., so they could be worse off in some ways that those in 1.

    I believe we all get the Winter Fuel Payment, if over 65, we get free TV Licence over 75, and a Freedom Pass over 60.

    Those in 1 and 3 will feel the cuts more.

    At first glance, it seems that Gideon is giving pensioners a good deal. But this will only be good for pensioners in 2 above, who have savings, ISAs, etc. And as you say they are being told to spend their savings, buy bonds, etc. to fill the coffers of the government.

    Those in 1 and 3 have not got ISAs or savings, so they will suffer more.

    So it is not all ‘pensioners’ who vote Tory. There are many like me who are disgusted with this with this government’s draconian measures which they see their families suffering from daily!

    ps I visit my 94yr old mother in a home 3/5 times a week, using my Freedom Pass, I will not be able to afford to pay about £20pw.

  2. franes p anderson March 21, 2014 at 9:34 pm - Reply

    to be honest i was expecting somethink like this to happen cant wait for the day i can help them to lose they jobs sad thing is they still be very rich and still not care

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  4. […] Originally posted on David Hencke: Iain Duncan Smith’s endangered speciesthe free bus pass George Osborne has made a lot of noise…  […]

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