Letter from Australia about the Conservatives Down Under: Exactly Like Their Brit Counterparts

Last Updated: March 24, 2014By

One Comment

  1. The Swans New Party March 26, 2014 at 12:37 am - Reply

    I had a relative in Labour. You failed to vote for him. Now you have Conservatives in Australia doing Austerity when you have huge mining wealth and no recession. Your shops are full of shoppers. No empty shops or industrial outlets. Houses being built far out from the cities in not just suburbia, but exurbia far out in the countryside. Doing Austerity will remove money from the economy and will make finance begin to fail. England is a ghost town in industry, business and jobs, by a political class just getting wealthier on the taxpayer. At least our political class have the excuse of being within an aristocratic mindset embedded a thousand years into the past. Australia grew out of convicts and people with the go to try a new life far away. Vote my relative back into government as soon as possible.

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