Gaza Not A War, But A Massacre – Scriptonite
This Reuters image appeared on the BBC Website, captioned: “Accusing Israel of opening a ‘gateway to hell’, Hamas fired rockets at Tel Aviv and Jerusalem.
Each day I have been in Gaza, Israel has shelled the place at least once, sometimes thee or four times, daily. This didn’t constitute a breach of the ceasefire, Hamas kept talking, states the latest article on Scriptonite Daily.
Yesterday afternoon, as I arrived back to my hotel from the shattered town of Shejaia, reports came in from IDF (Israeli military) sources that rockets had been fired from Gaza into Israel. I was astounded and confused. Despite being out in the open air, on a clear day, we heard and saw nothing. This is additionally incredible given the levels of anxiety here, people are jumping when a door closes loudly. So, that none of us would see, or hear, rockets launching from right next to us leaves me wondering if they were indeed fired at all. Israel claims these rockets landed in fields, with no damage to people or property – the only evidence apparently the Israeli triggered sirens and Iron Dome missile response. I am dubious.
I have reported already from Shejaia, Khuza’a, Beit Hanoun and Beit Lahia – these places have already been destroyed. The inhabitants lucky enough to survive being gassed, shelled and shot at through five weeks are now mostly homeless. The UN shelters are so full, unsanitary and diseased that these people are now living under sheets propped up on sticks, in the rubble of their homes.
And last night, all of these areas were hit repeatedly by Israeli forces.
Read the rest on Scriptonite Daily. Meanwhile, the BBC News website provides a different perspective:
“The Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has vowed a continued campaign against Gaza militants, amid renewed fighting between the two sides,” it states.
“In a televised address, Mr Netanyahu said he was ‘determined to continue the campaign with all means and as is needed.’
“‘We will not stop until we secure full security and quiet for the residents of the south and all citizens of Israel.”
“He likened Palestinian group Hamas to the jihadist group Islamic State, calling them a ‘branch of the same tree’.
“There were further Israeli air strikes on Gaza on Wednesday which, according to local medics, killed a heavily pregnant woman and several children.”
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Israel shells but it does not constitute breaking the ceasefire – a few rockets landing in fields – evidence the sirens firing and iron dome gives a flash so then all hell is let loose and a kindergarten shelled.
Who, what, when, where will stop this cold-blooded state sponsored massacre??
when HAMAS stop and accept intergration of shared country and so strong together?.