Over 90% fall in JSA & ESA appeals as process made more difficult – Benefits and Work

The DWP’s attempts to make it as difficult as possible to appeal a benefits decision appear to be succeeding, according to the latest tribunal statistics released today, according to the Benefits and Work blog.

There has been a drop of 92% in employment and support allowance (ESA) appeals and 93% in Jobseekers Allowance (JSA) appeals in April to June 2014 compared to the same period last year.

A new system of mandatory reconsiderations before appeals was introduced by the DWP for ESA and JSA on 28 October 2013.

Some of the reduction in appeal numbers is likely to be due to decisions being changed in favour of the claimant at the reconsideration stage.

However, figures have yet to be published by the DWP to show how many reconsiderations result in a change of decision.

The strong possibility remains, therefore, that many thousands of claimants are being left waiting for months for their reconsideration to take place whilst others fail to successfully lodge an appeal because the system is now so complex.

The full appeal statistics can be downloaded from this link.

You can read the full article here.

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  1. patrickdaly472010 September 12, 2014 at 10:38 am - Reply

    yet again IDS has proved he is a complete b*****d

  2. truthmeister September 12, 2014 at 11:20 am - Reply

    I suspect that this is only part of the full picture. The increasing percentages being assessed as entitled to ESA and the fewer number of assessments being carried out will also be relevant. It will be interesting reading if/when the DWP issue mandatory reconsideration stats, such as how many decisions are overturned and how long people are having to wait.

    • Mike Sivier September 12, 2014 at 1:13 pm - Reply

      The problem with percentages is exactly what you mention – if fewer assessments are being completed, then an increasing percentage of positive assessments may not indicate an increasing number.
      As for the statistics on mandatory reconsideration, you may have a long time to wait.

  3. Jeffrey Davies September 12, 2014 at 12:28 pm - Reply

    ah our devious rtu ids sent forth his emissary to take hold a job to head those claiming wrong doing at the pass. this person grayling took this to mean taking justice away for the poor. success in their plans it seems – they stopped that tide of appeals yet can justice be given back for those lost souls who have given up the ghost? i wonder strangely if it’s all a bad dream, but far too many cry out keeping me awake it’s not a dream and our mps whilst they fight between themselves over this abuse more and more

    ESA, when you fail a reconsideration. Immediately must appeal to the Tribunal service.

    Whilst waiting for consent to appeal. You must sign on JSA, or receive nothing.

    When appeal is accepted and permitted, THIS IS WHAT YOU WILL NOT BE AWARE OF and the DWP are LAX TO INFORM YOU.

    You are allowed to reapply FOR ESA. The one proviso for this is, you must produce regular and recent MEDICAL CERTIFICATES.

    This is fact, recent and relevant process now. Read, familiarise, do not lose out on your LEGAL ENTITLEMENTS.

    Faithfully your servant. Tony Lea.

    Benefits resolutions FB

    • catoninetails September 16, 2014 at 11:18 am - Reply

      I just had a small triumph against the Dwp….whilst awaitng my Tribunal date having decided to appeal …I recieved another longwinded questionnaire from Atos dated 3 rd September…..they informed the DWp had rquested thiy as a new claimant !?!! No ….a continuous claimant wuth GP ceRts etc !! …another sppooky unhealthy ploy to stop a benefit…beware!

  4. Thomas M September 13, 2014 at 2:23 am - Reply

    This government likes bothering sick people.

  5. Sasson Hann September 13, 2014 at 7:07 am - Reply

    One thought about this. It may not just be the fact that the new reconsideration period is causing a drop in appeals but also what is happening internally within Atos and the DWP.

    I read a lot and so I’m not sure where I saw this but apparently the processes are in meltdown due to Atos decision to withdraw from the contract and not wanting to share certain information with the DWP. It is this more than anything that is extending the assessment period which will have a knock-on effect regarding the number of appeals.

    I know personally that I had a reassessment questionnaire in January 2013 but I’m still waiting for my face to face assessment. I read that many people on the facebook support pages are in similar circumstances both new and existing claimants.

    This must also be a contributory factor therefore.

    • rabthecab September 15, 2014 at 10:33 pm - Reply

      Sasson do you mind if I ask what benefit you get in the meantime? I have my reassessment coming up & I’d like to know what I’m in for both hassle and money-wise.

  6. s r September 14, 2014 at 9:45 pm - Reply

    they are scum, happened to me once because i put the date wrong, they sneaked away scared of conflict acting like everything was fine then i got stung for a month

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