Lib Dems Blame Labour For ‘Bedroom Tax’ Misery – Welfare News Service

Something has just happened that Vox Political predicted more than two years ago. The shock is the identity of the perpetrators.

According to the Welfare News Service, the Liberal Democrats are blaming Labour-controlled councils for inflicting the Bedroom Tax on their residents. That’s right – the Liberal Democrats who, in their entirety as a Parliamentary party, voted to support the Conservative Party in forcing local councils to administrate the hated charge.

“In a blog posted on their national website, the Lib Dems claim that “Labour councils chose to punish their residents to score political points” in a deliberate attempt to scupper the housing policy,” states the WNS blog post.

“What, exactly, the party means when it accuses Labour councils of punishing its own residents is unclear. But the sheer audacity and ignorance shown by the Lib Dems will anger all of those who have experienced financial hardship, lost loved-ones, or who have been forced out of their family home as a result of vicious cuts to vital housing support.”

It continues: “Not a single Lib Dem MP voted against the ‘bedroom tax’ in February [2012].”

The fact is, the Bedroom Tax – like the Council Tax Reduction Scheme (otherwise known as Eric Pickles’ revival of the Poll Tax) – the intention was to force local authorities held by other parties, which were statistically likely to have more voters on social security benefits than the more affluent councils held by the Tories, to enforce these unfair rules on these most vulnerable of citizens. The Conservative – Liberal Democrat government could then blame the party running the authority for bringing it in, diverting any adverse reaction away from themselves – the true instigators.

So who, exactly was trying to score political points, again? Here at Vox Political, the assumption was always that the Conservatives would be the ones pointing the finger.

Instead it’s the Liberal Democrats, and – as is now fairly typical for the Yellow Turncoats – they’ve made a mistake. It would have been better to attack Labour over the previously-mentioned Pickles Poll Tax, about which Vox Political stated on August 23, 2012: “Councils could choose to reduce spending in other areas or increase their revenue through council tax but, as these will affect groups other than current benefit recipients, I think we all know which way our councillors will be pushed. Either way, the local authority will take the blame – or at least, that’s what the Coalition hopes.”

Let’s leave the last words to the WNS: “If the Liberal Democrats had just an ounce of respect for the people whose lives they have thrown into turmoil, they would admit the Bedroom Tax is wrong and work with Labour, and other political parties, to end this disgraceful policy once and for all. Unfortunately it appears as if they are more worried about losing face than the shocking impact of the Bedroom Tax on some of the poorest and most vulnerable people in our society.

“Is it any wonder that so many Scots want out of the UK?”

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  1. Steven Preece September 18, 2014 at 1:50 am - Reply

    Thanks for sharing/reporting my blog post [WNS Editor & Founder].

    • Mike Sivier September 18, 2014 at 9:26 am - Reply

      Glad to. As I’m not able to ‘reblog’, I try to use enough of another person’s article to make my point and whet readers interest in reading the rest of the original. Hopefully that will have happened in this case.

  2. casalealex September 18, 2014 at 6:26 am - Reply

    In 2002, a secret Liberal Democrat document came to light – produced by the Association of Liberal Democrat Councillors – in which local activists were urged to “be wicked, act shamelessly, stir endlessly” in order to win elections.

    In fact, ask anyone who’s been involved in local politics and they’ll tell you Liberal Democrat activists are the most infamous for playing dirty, using underhand methods and being utterly ruthless.
    Exactly as they’ve turned out to be nationally in their coalition with the Tories.

  3. Levinas September 18, 2014 at 9:25 am - Reply

    If the system is not at fault and it’s the nasty council’s that are misrepresenting rules to score political points, then why when the rules that penalise the young, the disabled, the threatened are challenged in court, does the Lib Dem coalition government send in a legal team to defend against that claim? Why was the DWP reported to have pulled together a team to advise councils on fighting these claims, to sift through and decide which would be best fought by the DWP rather than the council to ensure no legal precedents were let through? If the bedroom tax was being used by labour to score political points, when tenants challenged, why did a lib dem/ conservative oppose legally those challenges? Because the Lib Dems are talking BS again.

    • Support September 18, 2014 at 9:27 am - Reply

      Thanks for that excellent piece of perspective.

  4. Mr.Angry September 18, 2014 at 9:56 am - Reply

    Cleg you are a bloody hypocrite, go now and do every one a favor we are all sick of the
    b*lls*it. You are adding to my depression you waste of space. Look at what you and your ilk has caused in dividing the UK, they can’t wait to be rid of you.

  5. Thomas M September 18, 2014 at 4:07 pm - Reply

    Very few people will believe what the Lib Dems say anymore. When the election comes a lot of Lib Dems are going to be removed.

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