#CameronMustGo – juxtaposed
#CameronMustGo… because he says things he doesn’t mean – a Vox Political contribution to the Twitter drive.
There was a ‘Cameron Must Go’ drive on Twitter, this Saturday, 22 November, 2014, writes Juxtaposed. Vox Political can confirm this as Yr Obdt Srvt took part. The hashtag #CameronMustGo was the top trend in the UK for a brief period during the campaign and an article may follow.
Juxtaposed continues: Here are my in-under-140-characters contributions to the hashtag:
For all that he grows
Is poverty, bubbles and greed
He’s a PR for hire
Can’t lead; can’t inspire
Can only sow crony knotweed
“Call me ‘Dave’” he crowed
As though one of us
But #CameronMustGo:
His blue & new Establishment
Is all contempt &
Governs like a blunderbuss
& his company of wicked farce,
dissemblance & delusion & disdain.
Kick out their fattened arses
& do not vote for them again.
As he promotes
competitive entropy
& showboats by
division, derision &
& sees fit to gloat,
Electorate says “No:
There are more – but you’ll have to visit Juxtaposed to read them.
Follow me on Twitter: @MidWalesMike
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And that’s just one of the lies.
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