Shapps Tried to Shut Down Left-Wing Blog – Beastrabban\’s Weblog
Isn’t this fraud? The man pictured is Grant Shapps, but his name tag claims he is Michael Green – the name he used to run How To Corp before and after he became an MP. Isn’t that fraud – gaining a financial advantage under false pretences (in this case, the pretence that he wasn’t Grant Shapps)?
It’s only a couple of days since UKIP supporters got so angry about a Political Scrapbook story reposted here that they invaded the Vox Political page on Facebook in a bid to bully the site into shutting up. Now we find a leading Tory has been helping them, albeit inadvertently, by trying to shut the Scrapbook down.
The Beast writes: [The] I newspaper for December 18 has a story on page four about Grant Shapps being accused of trying to shut down The Political Scrapbook. Shapps used his lawyers to try to bully the blog, sending it three letters threatening to sue because of two stories it published about the Tory chairman. The same firm of lawyers acting for Shapps also sent a letter threatening legal action on behalf of another, unnamed Tory MP, who was also the subject of a blog post. Despite the threats, neither Shapps nor his unnamed colleague have followed up with legal action.
Bullying tactics with no strength behind them? It seems Shapps and the Kippers have more in common than they admit!
The Tories have particular form for this. It hasn’t just been The Political Scrapbook. They have also attempted to censor Tom Pride over at Pride’s Purge. The tactics have included using the government’s legislation to save children from the threat of online porn to censor his site, because it contained ‘mature content’. Sadly for those expecting something like the kind of material published in Dirty Desmond’s more notorious papers, ‘mature content’ here meant dealing with the issues of adult politics, like poverty, hypocrisy, abuse, and corruption.
It also shows the totalitarian mindset behind the Tory party. Despite trying to promote themselves as the party of individual freedom, they are doing all they can to suppress free comment and criticism.
In that, the Tories are almost exactly like the Kippers. For the full article, visit Beastrabban\’s Weblog – unless the Tories get to it first!
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Seeing Shapps is such a pathological liar, the default position should always be to assume that he won’t do what he says he will. So any time Shapps makes a threat, just ignore him and keep doing whatever it is that’s upsetting him. It stands to reason it’ll be for the greater good.
Grant Shapps, Michael Green, Sebastian Fox… How many other false names that we don’t yet know about does this fraudster use?
Isaac Hunt?
I investigated this a few years ago. His “internet-marketing” site, whose name escapes me right now, is clearly a get-rich-quick style site. It is not illegal, but it sells very expensive advice which can be obtained far more cheaply – and often for free – from other sources. It is the kind of site where you pay a lot of money, then realise you’ve been diddled and you feel so embarassed that you keep quiet about it.
It was very suspiciously transferred into his wife’s name just before he was elected.
At least the Tories in the 1980s had actually run proper businesses before they became politicians. Shapps is one of the reasons I can no longer support the Conservatives (yes, I admit it, I did once support the Conservatives, but hey, I’m reading your site now, and we all make mistakes eh?)
There’s more rejoicing over one sinner who repenteth… etc you get the idea. Besides, I voted Lib Dem in 2010!