NHS hampered by poor management structure, says Rose report – The Guardian
“The next time sometime tells you the Labour Party & Tory Party are ‘all the same’ please ask them to peek at this,” tweeted Labour Left’s Eoin Clarke. This image is so good it deserves to be shared for its own sake.
The NHS is being hampered by an over-complex management structure which is quashing initiative within the service, a delayed government report by the former Marks & Spencer chief Sir Stuart Rose is expected to conclude, according to The Guardian.
“… And we all know who brought in that structure,” tweeted the National Health Action Party yesterday (December 29).
The article states: “Rose is expected to conclude that the NHS is staffed by dedicated employees with a willingness to improve but who are held back by a system that includes poor practices for managing, training and developing people.
“The role of the much criticised regulator the Care Quality Commission is expected to come in for a further beating, the report saying it has contributed to turning the NHS into what he has described as “a multi-headed hydra”.
“It is also expected to criticise the way the federated structure of the NHS allows underperforming managers to move from one hospital to another with little attempt to debar or retrain them.”
The full article is on The Guardian‘s website – give it a visit.
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I read something a few years ago that said. Front line staff in the NHS is outnumbered something like 6 to 1. That is 6 pen pushers for every Nurse, Doctor, Porter etc. and a manager for each. I believe this had something to do with Thatcher handing out jobs for the boys. All that wasted money paying cretins, while the actual dedicated staff, the ones who trained for years, the Nurses and Doctors where laid off in their thousands to save money. All to pay millions to these useless overpaid morons and the hundreds of quangos. Not millions but billions of pounds wasted.
I remember hospitals years ago, where everything was done in-house. When a ward was dirty you would see a trainee nurse with a mop and bucket doing the floors, wiping down walls and radiators, the wards always looked and smelled clean. There was always a matron there making sure the job was done properly. Cleanliness was seen as part of the healing process, not something to make a profit from. Hospitals were run with military precision, and patients didn’t die in there because of MRSA or some other killer bug. They had their own chefs and kitchens cooking real food, not some left over, warmed up, outside catered crap. They had their own maintenance staff, painters, electricians etc.
Then along comes a minister with a catering company in the family, or a back hander taken from a cleaning company. Hello privatization, profits to be made at the cost to the patients. Then like a snowball rolling down hill, it just got bigger with nothing to stop it, now on the verge of complete destruction, something the Tory’s wanted since the inception of the NHS. Many voting tory not realizing they probably wouldn’t be alive today but for the NHS. Talk about biting the hand that feeds you. Imagine the health service we could have if the money went where it’s meant to go. Get shut of the dead weight, put the dedicated staff back in charge, and bring back the dedicated staff with decent wages for all. Top of the range equipment and no waiting lists.
The part of your comment that stuck out, for me, was “along comes a minister with a catering company in the family”. Labour has promised to stop MPs having other financial interests, so hopefully this kind of thing will be consigned to history after next May.
Let us sincerely hope so Mike. It’s about time honesty and honor were put back into parliament.
Your remarks hit the nail on the head about the drop in quality as a measure of cost in the NHS. A relative was a butcher in a hospital kitchen in 1953. There was still rationing of meat, and three butchers worked full time to feed the staff and patients. He told me that the chefs complained as they “only got sirloin, silverside and other choice beef cuts. The best meat was chosen to go to the hospitals”, and they often had more than needed. Good food was a national priority for the ill and those who cared for them. and it was government policy.
These memories of the people who actually helped found and build the NHS, all the many varied workers who were all stake holders in the developing welfare state, are not only in danger of being lost by us all, but the concepts embedded in them being lost forever too. In the UK today we have IDS and the Eton junta who think that far from deserving the best, the poor, ill and disabled deserve only hunger and abuse.
Please, can we all try & remember that the simple decency of allocating decent food to those who need it is not a pipe-dream, but was once reality here. We can make it again, because it really is just a matter of political will.
I found the article I mentioned above I know it’s old now but it makes frightening reading. See what you make of it Mike, maybe you could enlighten me.
The phony cuts
£167 billion a year was wasted on quangos in 2007 according to the Cabinet Office – its nearly £200 billion pa now. These British Quangos, mostly controlled by the EU’s Common Purpose organisation, are the largest bribery structure in the world – that’s 12.5% of our economy of £1,330 billion to pay up to £300,000pa salaries to 100,000 people the government and EU need to influence.
£60 billion is wasted on 800,000 overpaid bureaucrats installed in the NHS by the EU’s Common Purpose to destroy it. Hospital and medical staff are only 400,000, and are deliberately paid peanuts and overworked to sap moral as the bureaucrats make continual changes calculated to make their lives impossible and to sabotage the NHS.
£100 billion a year is wasted on EU regulations according to the governments Better Regulation Task Force Annual Report 2005, with a foreward by Tony Blair.
Since then the waste in these three areas has got much worse, but the government won’t publish full figures.
Even if they just cut all this waste at 2007 levels, the government would save £167 + £60 billion = £227 billion, and save industry £100 billion in EU costs, total saving £327 billion, far, far more than they ever need to save: The budget deficit is only £155 billion, total government borrowing £903 billion, 60% of GDP. They could pay it all off in just 4 years.
One of the 200+ methods the EU is employing to destroy Britain, its biggest enemy in two world wars, is to swamp us with government, bureaucracy and regulations, and tax us into poverty
Yes, governemnt should be reduced (by 75%, not 25%). But it won’t happen. If they really meant to save, the above are the cuts they would start with, and it would be easy. But they have no intention of saving; their intention is to keep stealing 70% of the economy in taxes, fines and charges to collapse our nation, to fund their bloated lifestyles and waste.
As always, they’ll cut front line services, but keep the armies of bureaucrats and patronage growing. They will ensure as many British as possible are diesempowered and in poverty on £5 per hour as they can. Our government ministers do not represent us, but are agents for a foreign power: