More than 200,000 people sign fox hunting petition after David Cameron returns to Number 10 – Mirror Online

Last Updated: May 13, 2015By

The Conservatives have promised a free vote on Labour’s 2004 hunting ban to the horror of animal rights campaigners

Source: More than 200,000 people sign fox hunting petition after David Cameron returns to Number 10 – Mirror Online


  1. NMac May 13, 2015 at 10:34 am - Reply

    Here we go, …back to the barbaric dark ages with the extremely Nasty Party.

  2. Chris Tandy May 13, 2015 at 10:58 am - Reply

    Have the tories ever put forward any theory as to why fox hunting need be re-introduced?
    The idea that ‘foxes are a menace in rural areas, and thus need to be exterminated’, is provable tosh, as they would have been done away with as a species two hundred years ago if it were true.
    I’m discounting the idea that a few rural nobs think it’s jolly good fun, and therefore they should have a ‘right to hunt’.

  3. Chris Tandy May 13, 2015 at 4:11 pm - Reply

    There is only one logical reason for the toffocracy to want fox-killing to be legalised once more.
    The rural freemasonry (the toffs) have only this means to lord it over large swathes of rural Britain. The fox is am innocent victim of the need for this odious bunch to ride roughshod over anybody’s land, and destroy anything else that gets in their way. This proves their superiority over the common people who adhere to the common law. They are above this law with regard to trespass, destruction of property and animal life and not least rules of the road.
    And if you wish to press charges against them for any breach of law, it’s quite likely the local magistrate is galloping around as part of the spectacle. So, forget it.
    And….there is another reason for the toff’s enthusiasm in the field. They also want to bring back the filthy pointless destruction of badgers, but not buy “tally-ho-ing” around, but by legalised gunmen patrolling around the country at night. This could prove most efficacious; hunters on horseback and snipers on foot. Put them together, and you have a rather effective legalised guerrilla army, not dissimilar to the sort of force used to track down runaway convicts and slaves in 20th century America. I await the intensive breeding of bloodhounds…..get my drift?

  4. Michael H May 13, 2015 at 7:26 pm - Reply

    Cold blooded, that’s what these ‘people’ are. Foxes are not a menace at all, if scavenging through rubbish and preying off smaller animals (which helps to keep the population of the animals stable) means a menace then they are. The foxes are only trying to survive, and they keep to themselves. And also the poor badgers and whatever else they decide is great to hunt. Are cats next on the list too? Deer? No one is above any other species, animals, people and nature. If you are going to hunt something, make sure it is for meat and that it is a quick and humane death. I also have to feel sorry for the poor dogs, surpressing them to such violence is wrong too.

  5. amnesiaclinic May 13, 2015 at 9:27 pm - Reply

    Yes, Chris, we do get your drift…
    People are going to get very hungry and may decide to try to live off the land. Bloodhounds well-trained plus armed patrols will make sure there isn’t a little extra for the pot.
    And it won’t be deer and cats who are next…
    We own the land and we own you.

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