MPs’ pay rise: Cameron takes the money after all (quelle surprise)
What a greedy little money-grubber.
Does he really think we can’t see through him? He knows he’s made most of the country thousands of pounds worse-off over the last five years – in fact, he has presided over the worst fall in average pay since the Victorian era.
But he’s still going to rub our noses in it with an 11 per cent pay rise for MPs.
MPs will receive a £7,000 pay rise after David Cameron said that he would not do anything more to block the wage increase, amid concerns that it could trigger a backbench revolt.
Downing Street on Tuesday indicated that the Prime Minister will himself accept the salary increase and will not formally challenge the pay watchdog over plans for MPs to be paid £74,000 a year.
Mr Cameron had previously called the proposed salary increase “simply unacceptable” while public-sector pay was being restrained and indicated that he could scrap the watchdog.
Source: David Cameron ‘to accept £7,000 MPs’ pay rise’ – Telegraph
for the record mike my wife came home this evening after doing a 14 hour shift in a end of life nursing home that she is to lose a quarter of an hour off her pay per day to save money. well she gets £6.90 per hour so i guess that puts her back at around £6.75 per hour ?
i wonder what Cameron a co would make of that. lets hope they never need her services if they did they may come to realize that they haven’t a clue on hard working people and what sacrifices those at the bottom of society like my wife have to go without
These people are truly shameless.Disgusting hypocrites.Self-serving and remote from ordinary people-proof positive!
Norman law again ops jeff3
After implementing 5 years of policies that produce such hardship and stress, now this… Speechless from Gloucester!
As expected just more lies something we have all had to get used to on a daily basis.
Can anyone advise on just how many hours / weeks these money grabbing parasites work each year and roughly what their expenses are?
Cameron has never cared for the working class people The only two things he cares about is selling off UK assets to the pals network and two lining his pockets and those of his chums and his band of merry men.
Robin Hood in reverse… take from the poor and give to the rich.. Tory philosophy.. I expect nothing less from them..
Cameron is only in a position to recommend to the Independent Parliamentary Standards Authorıty (IPSA) to review the proposals; he cannot overturn them. The only way it could be done is for parliament to vote for the abolition of IPSA. There is no mechanism for the award not to be accepted.
I have not seen anything from any of the opposition parties on what is theır Independent Authority, too. Has Harman – or whoever – voiced an opinion or for that matter the SNP or Lıb Dems or are they happy to play dumb and take the money?.
Cameron did suggest abolishing IPSA and replacing it with something more just.
Then he decided not to. Clearly justice isn’t his ‘thing’.
Did the opposition parties support the abolition idea as he could not go it alone and have they voiced an opinion on this latest develoment?
Of course he could go it alone – he has a majority government.
You are assumıng that all the Conservative MPs would support such a proposal but it is common knowledge that some believe the increase is justified It ıs not a government ıssue but a parlıamentary one so, what is the attitude of the opposition partıes? It must be remebered that IPSA fırst saw the lıght of day durıng the Brown government and attracted cross party support so where do they now stand?
I don’t know. What IS the attitude of the Opposition parties?
Your problem as a Tory supporter, Andy, is that you’re forever asking what the other parties are doing.
It makes your Tories look weak.
Your problem Mike is that you make assumptions that those who support other parties must be in the wrong.
I simply seek to add an informative comment to the discussion and, if appropriate, to add a balance where it is seemingly lacking.
As I said earlier I have not seen anything regarding the attitude of the opposition parties, which is why I asked.
I presume from what appears to be a total silence that they are broadly in favour of the proposed increases but I thought, given your own political standpoint, you might know.
Gıven the total chaos that the main party of opposition is currently in I fınd your suggestıon of Tory party weakness rather ironıc!
Would those be parties other than the non-existant ‘Mike Party’, then?
To what party are you referring, exactly?
You were trying to undermine the point that was being made, with reference to the attitude of parties other than the Tories. You can’t say any different and expect to be believed because it is a tactic you have used previously.
The trouble is, we don’t even know if Cameron’s attitude is shared by his party!
My guess is that everyone in the House of Commons will take whatever they can get, barring a few principled standalones.
As for the condition of the main Opposition party: Labour might be weak at the moment, but the Tories are weak all the time.
I do not think you can deny from the evidence of this and the many previous Vox Political items that you are anti-Tory (especıally as you consider them to be weak all the time) and you have also been critical of the likes of SNP, UKIP and the Greens to varyıng degrees because they dıffer from the views of the non existant Mike Party. It seems that this non existant party, judging by the comments and apparent stance of the author, is somewhat to the left of the current Labour Party.
Yes, I have undermined the point that was being made simply because it was flawed, in that ıt seeks to attribute to one man and to the governıng party an issue that is a parliamentary one; the position, therefore, of the MPs of the other parties is entirely relevant but you are happy to overlook that in attacking, without any evidence to support you, an indivıdual of being a greedy little money-grubber.
I wonder who these prıcıpled standalones mıght wıll be unable to refuse an ıncrease because under IPSA there ıs no mechanısm for doıng so.
Yes, the Labour Party ıs weak at the moment and has been sınce 1945..even if only in comparıson wıth the less weak Conservatıves.
Welcome to Planet Andy, folks.
He’s fairly typical of your narrow-minded Tory, in that he believes his opinions are right all the time, and that his party (the Conservatives) are in a similar happy state.
I keep him around for comedy value.
There you go again makıng assumptions but, of course, I only subscrıbe to Vox Politıcal for its comedy value….it usually has nothıng else to offer….but I would give him credit if he does not moderate this comment out.
As you see, folks, Andy doesn’t even have any originality.
As you see ,folks, even though I now give him that credit for not moderating out, Mıke has become personal, which on respected threads is not tolerated, My rest my proven case..
Nobody’s reading any more, Andy. They always lose interest when comments degenerate into bickering – as they inevitably do with people like yourself.
You need to recognise your own behaviour before criticising that of other people.
Beware the pot and kettle, Mike.
They’re in the kitchen – and are perfectly safe.
I think a man of your intellıgence would get my point Mıke…oh and I see that in today’s press that my origınal comment is confırmed and several MPs appreciate that under the rules they cannot refuse the increase but have decided to give it to charity.
Yes I saw this – ıt confırms even more strongly what I saıd about MPs not beıng able to refuse; the call for the revıew now places the ball fırmly ın IPSA’s court…let’s wait and see how they play it.
Robbing hits ,at least Dick Turpin worn a mask !