“Numbers should be a light, not a crutch” | Telling it as it is

Last Updated: July 28, 2015By

The government reckons most mandatory reconsiderations of ESA decisions take place within 14 days, and this is correct – 52 per cent of them do.

But around 44,000 took longer than a month.

Maggie Zolobajluk’s article paints the whole picture – that the DWP remains keen to obscure.

Source: “Numbers should be a light, not a crutch” | Telling it as it is


  1. Catherine July 28, 2015 at 7:34 pm - Reply

    my husband’s MR took over 2 months and it was fast tracked when we got our MP involved after running out of savings.

  2. foggy July 28, 2015 at 8:59 pm - Reply

    hmmmm I wonder how many, out of that 52%, had a MR done with existing evidence when the claimant specifically stated that they didn’t want the MR to proceed until they had received further medical evidence (FME) to support a formal MR.

    As we all know, it takes longer than 14 days for the DWP to send out all documentation (SAR) that is relevant to a claimants WCA.

    I guess ignoring a claimants request to not make a formal MR until they have sent in FME and going ahead (which would reach the same conclusion!) is one way to make the DWP look like they’re doing their job and boosts their competency stats !!

    • Mike Sivier July 28, 2015 at 10:10 pm - Reply

      Yes indeed. You know I know someone who’s had that happen to them.

  3. mrmarcpc July 31, 2015 at 3:41 pm - Reply

    When I went through a MR process, I had to wait ages as well, had to sign on JSA until all the relevant paperwork came through so I could go back on ESA, it’s a another one of their sneaky, devious, callous ways to grind down and crush your spirit, fight, resolve and soul, I didn’t let them before and I don’t ever intend to!

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