In what world is Corbyn ‘radical’ for standing against more killing, while revenge bombing is ‘moderate’?

Last Updated: November 18, 2015By


Well written, Liam Young:

Incredibly, we’re now in a situation where Labour members of parliament calling for bombings on unknown targets, with no after-plan or no strategy, are named as ‘moderates’. Jeremy Corbyn and those loyal to his policies, with their opposition to bombings and military intervention and their lack of support for ‘shoot-to-kill’ policies, are the radicals.

Personally, I don’t think there is anything moderate about launching an attack so similar to the failed interventions in Iraq and Afghanistan – those which contributed to the development of Isis.

Emotion is important, but when strategy is involved, and weapons capable of killing thousands at once, it must be removed from the equation.

It is this emotive trap that Blairites and so many Tory politicians – including David Cameron – seem to be falling into. Resisting the urge to pursue revenge may well be difficult, but there’s nothing responsible about the politicians calling for bombing for bombing’s sake.

[Corbyn] is not OK with racist profiling on the streets of Britain, which would lead to every black man, woman and child, with a beard and bag-pack liable to a shooting based solely on suspicion. He is not fine with that being swept under the rug. He is not happy to see death, destruction and the erosion of civil liberties rushed through government under the guise of ‘protection’ because the public are scared.

This isn’t because he’s a ‘loony leftie’, or an out-of-touch hippie.

It’s because he, like many of us, remembers Jean Charles de Menezes, an innocent man shot dead in London the last time shoot-to-kill policies were big in the news following a terrorist attack.

Source: In what world is Corbyn ‘radical’ for standing against more killing, while revenge bombing is ‘moderate’? | Voices | The Independent

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  1. Thomas November 18, 2015 at 2:27 am - Reply

    I hate ISIS, but non-targeted bombing will only hurt innocent people and encourage more terrorism over here. Either invade them with ground troops, or leave them alone.

  2. Jeffery Davies November 18, 2015 at 6:31 am - Reply

    They are traitors to labour the blair babies not untill they gone will piece reign in this party jntill that day

  3. John Gaines November 18, 2015 at 10:30 am - Reply

    Were back in Iraq/A.Gan times, the Great idea they came up with was a copy of a FAILED WWI strategy –the Infamous ‘Big Push’ cost 20,000 lives a Day (a British General blimp stated that ” These were acceptable losses”).
    The stupid coalition General Blimps called their version of the ‘Big Push’ (wait for it) the ‘SURGE”
    Needless to say it also FAILED.
    Der Reich wing of the Labour Party exhibit every trait of the Dumbo cloth-headed General Staff of both these failures, if possible, they are even more thick than the Generals.

    Shoot to Kill is an unfotunate part of our lives today, our Police assasins do it quite often (wonder what the Duggan Appeal will unearth) it seems that the Police do it because they can rig the Court System in their favour, it may sometimes be necessary but, like Jeremy, I would exercise caution.
    Churchill, as Home Sec, used it to murder Irish dissidents and sometime Communists, his chosen assassin was Monty.

  4. Loth November 18, 2015 at 11:15 am - Reply

    I really hope there’s a climb down from all this very soon, we really shouldn’t be going through this again, and to not have learned from all the mistakes from the last time… :(

  5. NMac November 18, 2015 at 11:32 am - Reply

    I fail to see just how bombing Syria, causing yet more death and destruction, is going to end radicalism in the Middle East. I personally believe it will cause yet more terrorism and the cycle of tit-for-tat death and destruction goes on. When will our politicians ever learn? Or do they even want to learn?

    Western politicians and the military hawks appear to believe that we can invade, bomb and kill at will in the Middle East, and there should be no repercussions.

  6. chriskitcher November 18, 2015 at 1:54 pm - Reply

    Bombing will only cause more hatred and revenge attacks. the west has been fighting terrorism for 14 years and it has failed.

    What about this for a new approach?

    • Mike Sivier November 18, 2015 at 2:54 pm - Reply

      I’m having it for an article.

  7. mohandeer November 18, 2015 at 6:15 pm - Reply

    Thank God someone remembered Menezes, if he hadn’t been remembered then his death would have counted as nothing, precisely why Corbyn’s approach is truly the voice of reason and why radical war hawks are the voice of insanity.

  8. digger November 18, 2015 at 6:56 pm - Reply

    well said Liam Young

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