Jobs for the girl*: McVile gets taxpayer-funded job courtesy of Tory crony

Last Updated: November 19, 2015By

When the voters of the Wirral booted the woman we call McVile out of Parliament, they were expressing the feelings of right-thinking people across the UK.

It is an insult toe the British people that Transport Minister Patrick McLaughlin is forcing the public to pay her salary again in an act of favouritism that should see him ejected from his own office (but probably won’t).

Not only that, but she has also taken a job with a lobbying firm, proving that the Conservative Party has done nothing at all to curb the power of such companies to sway government policy. The Transparency of Lobbying Act was about restricting trade unions and political campaigners, not commercial lobbyists at all.

Shall we start an e-petition to have both McVile and McLaughingstock removed? It would be worth it just to see what excuse the Petitions committee makes to refuse it.

Former Tory minister Esther McVey has landed a £530-a-day, taxpayer funded job, just six months after being booted out as an MP.She’s been appointed Chair of the British Transport Police Authority (BTPA) by her former colleague Transport Minister Patrick McLaughlin.

The £32,000 job requires her to work just 60 days a year.

The Conservative welfare slasher and ex-TV presenter will juggle that job with an ‘advisory role’ at lobbyists Hume Brophy.

Hume Brophy’s clients have included the National Federation of Retail Newsagents, on whose behalf they sent letters to MPs urging them to oppose a ban on the display of tobacco products in shops.

They were unsuccessful.

Source: Esther McVey lands £530-a-day taxpayer funded job six months after being booted as an MP

* In referring to Ms McVile as a ‘girl’, This Blog is of course using the term in its vaguest possible sense.

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  1. NMac November 19, 2015 at 6:37 pm - Reply

    Corruption, Corruption, Corruption and yet more stinking Tory corruption.

  2. The Infamous Culex November 19, 2015 at 7:09 pm - Reply

    Perhaps her JSA advisor told her to try asking her network if they had any jobs going?

  3. AndyH November 19, 2015 at 7:53 pm - Reply

    “Shall we start an e-petition to have both McVile and McLaughingstock removed? It would be worth it just to see what excuse the Petitions committee makes to refuse it.”

    Haha good idea. I’m tempted to create a petition – “If 100,000 people sign this petition it will have 100,000 signatures” – at least a petition will actually succeed.

  4. The Porcelain Doll November 19, 2015 at 8:44 pm - Reply


  5. Rik November 19, 2015 at 9:34 pm - Reply

    Hi I don’t usually comment on here but reading this has made me fume with anger…..make the poor suffer and make em eat gruel whilst those basts feed their ffff gobs,& tryn claim for everything they can while I & thousands like me have to skimp on heating and eat crap to stay alive… yeh vile it is
    sry a bit off subject there but grrrrrrr
    God bless

  6. Nick November 19, 2015 at 9:35 pm - Reply

    McVile will end up in the lords that you can be sure of

  7. daijohn November 19, 2015 at 11:18 pm - Reply

    The revolving door as gathered momentum – these failed people should not be allowed their snouts in the trough of public money. Ester McVey? What good has she ever done?

  8. AndyH November 20, 2015 at 12:06 am - Reply

    Fingers crossed they don’t bring back ‘how do they do that?’

  9. paulrutherford8 November 20, 2015 at 12:28 am - Reply

    Where the ‘girl’ comes from, the term carries no insult and to the McVile it would probably be thought of as a compliment. I wonder what she’ll do on the 60 nights?

  10. Mr.Angry November 20, 2015 at 5:59 am - Reply

    A God damn national disgrace this witch does not deserve to work in a chip shop yet alone in a government role.

    She would do better doing favours for sailors on Liverpool docks.

  11. Ally November 20, 2015 at 7:25 am - Reply

    Whilst I wholly support the decision of the people of Wirral – it is a shame that those same people put her there in the first place. It is however, in my view, criminal the way failed or thrown out politicians seem to land on extremely well paid jobs underwritten by the taxpayer…

  12. David Bacon November 20, 2015 at 8:15 am - Reply

    She’s only making standard progress for an tory ex-MP.

    • Mike Sivier November 20, 2015 at 12:47 pm - Reply

      Isn’t it time for that to stop?

      • David Bacon November 20, 2015 at 2:38 pm - Reply

        Yes, of course it is. I was always terrified of losing my job during my 50 year working life. It might have been difficult to get another. But MPs seem to do well – I suppose it’s due to the contacts they have.
        Some ex-MPs have a hard time of it they lose their seat, but like the rest of us they should take the rough with the smooth. I’ve noticed since the advent of Thatcher they always seem to legislate in their own interest and favour.

  13. jan bailey November 20, 2015 at 11:08 am - Reply

    The petitions would cause embarrassemnet for the Rail Police and keep it all in the public eye which might, just might, get her shifted out of the job.

  14. Dez November 22, 2015 at 2:08 pm - Reply

    Crikey when you annualise that 60 day salary to a real full time job allowing for hols and bank hols that’s circa £120k pas. I’m sure they vetted thoroughly her CV, Job knowledge, experience in this critical area before making the appointment that could not possibly be done by anyone else who do not have her qualities…… Yes they should be both be bought to book for creating that unnecessary crony appointment losing the job to probably many who were better qualified…..that’s why this country is in the state it’s in.

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