Cameron Wins Vote to Bomb Syria | Beastrabban\’s Weblog

Last Updated: December 3, 2015By


By killing civilians – innocent men, women and children, who just happen to live in the enclaves taken over by the Islamist State – we will just increase radicalisation by seeming to bear out ISIS’ claim that they are really the defenders of Muslims and Islam against Western aggression, while everything is the complete opposite.Cameron has been so desperate to join the ten other countries in bombing Syria, that he libelled Corbyn, and the rest of the opponents of bombing, as ‘terrorist sympathisers’. This also includes the 65 or so members of his own party, who held fast to their opposition to Blairite wars and voted against it.

Source: Cameron Wins Vote to Bomb Syria | Beastrabban\’s Weblog

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  1. Charles N Hay December 3, 2015 at 5:13 pm - Reply

    Totally my sentiments i am in whole hearted agreement with your statement regarding this subject just confirms what kind of thugs are ruling the Tory party , a bunch of cold greedy heartless people who are only interested in there own well being , also with in the Labour party are a group of Mp’s who have another agenda to the main cause of Labour i am afraid they are never going to regain there position within Scotland in the future due to this vote.

    • Mike Sivier December 3, 2015 at 6:58 pm - Reply

      Ian Murray voted against air strikes, so there’s no reason this vote can be held against Scottish Labour.
      Also bear in mind that the Labour MPs who voted for air strikes didn’t make a scrap of difference to the final outcome.

  2. badgerbaker December 3, 2015 at 6:22 pm - Reply

    First poor link on vox pop. I think 7 tories voted against Cameron not 65. If we can’t get the vérifiable facts right then what value do the opinions carry

    • Mike Sivier December 3, 2015 at 6:54 pm - Reply

      And have you been to Beastrabban\’s Blog and mentioned it there?

      • badgerbaker December 5, 2015 at 10:25 am - Reply

        Bit touchy Mike. You brought it to my attention not Beastrabban! But keep up the good work, your blog is the best thing since Media Lens.

        • Mike Sivier December 13, 2015 at 1:38 pm - Reply

          Not touchy at all – just pointing you in the right direction.

    • beastrabban December 3, 2015 at 9:51 pm - Reply

      Hi Badgerbaker! Okay, mea culpa! I was going by the numbers, who were reported in the press yesterday as planning to defy Cameron and vote against. It seems he read the riot act to them instead, and most of those immediately fell in line.

  3. mohandeer December 3, 2015 at 6:31 pm - Reply

    Well since the Labour Party did in fact, as has been shown by the release of the Bush/Blair memos, connive regime change and overthrow of democracy in the ME countries of Libya, Iraq and eventually Syria, and Cameron has since picked up the baton, the US and EU ARE as IS claims, the aggressors. Considering our governments historic involvement in this process and now a bombing campaign as tangible proof of our aggression, many Syrian youngsters are going to grow up believing that al Qaeda and their extremist Sunni/Wahabbi/salafist doctrines of Sharia Law and beheadings are no worse than the EU’s indiscriminate bombing of homes and people. Al Qaeda will be left standing as per US wishes (for that all important regime change, because the “moderate” terrorists will be the ones butchering people into submission and policing US policy change, whilst stealing their oil leaving them in penury) and they will teach the Syrian children how we bought terrorism as a weapon against people like them. Simple, can’t imagine why no-one thought of it. Now all that remains is for them to grow up hating the west and it’s thieving, murderous corruption and adopting extremist doctrines denouncing the Imperialist westerners and calling for jihad against us.

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