Private Eye: Maximus Makes Loss from Fitness-to-Work Tests | Beastrabban\’s Weblog

Last Updated: December 20, 2015By

Perhaps this is the reason Maximus has taken on a new contract managing advice on care in homes and hospitals?

And now for a bit of good news! Maximus, ATOS’ successor in administering the fitness-to-work tests intended to stop the disabled and chronically sick from claiming benefits, is experiencing some difficulties. According to the Christmas edition of Private Eye, 19th December 2015 -7th January 2016, they’re having problems recruiting medical staff, and have made a loss. The Eye’s report begins as follows

Fitness To Work

Maximus Pain

Maximus, the US outsourcing company, is taking a financial hit on its £565m ($900m) contract to carry out controversial “fitness to work” tests for the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP).

Maximus took over the assessment of sick and disabled people from pisspoor French firm Atos earlier this year, clearly expecting to do rather well from the deal. But results published in the US last month show it is already operating at a $4m loss, with revenue of $105m falling far short of the predicted $140m-$165m. There were two causes for the loss: the company is having trouble recruiting doctors and nurses willing to carry out the much-criticised tests, linked by researchers with the deaths of sick and disabled people; and it failed to generate enough income.

It couldn’t happen to a nicer company.

Source: Private Eye: Maximus Makes Loss from Fitness-to-Work Tests | Beastrabban\’s Weblog

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  1. Jeffery Davies December 20, 2015 at 7:01 pm - Reply

    Yet if one puts their name into a search engine you find this fraudulent company being taking to court in the good old usa yet over here they get rewarded with more contracts which cause more fraud more conflict of interest this government is the greedest to date and fraudulent just like maximus crapita serco atos

    • Mike Sivier December 21, 2015 at 11:47 pm - Reply

      Unum was fraudulent; I’m not sure I’d heard this about Maximus.
      It is late and I’m tired, mind.

  2. Samuel Miller (@Hephaestus7) December 20, 2015 at 8:09 pm - Reply

    The EUR/USD is 1.0866; the Maximus contract is now worth far less: 613.929 million USD.

  3. Samuel Miller (@Hephaestus7) December 20, 2015 at 8:22 pm - Reply

    Sorry, that should be GBP/USD1.4898 X£565m = 831.737million USD.

  4. Tim December 20, 2015 at 10:38 pm - Reply

    What does Sue Marsh have to say about Maximus and the WCA these days?

  5. Mr.Angry December 21, 2015 at 2:55 am - Reply

    That has made my Xmas, bring it on, great news. I have a relative who spent just six weeks with them against my better judgement, but she was desperate for work, she lasted just six weeks after experiencing what was demanded of her. Lets hope the whole damn thing falls apart.

  6. Dez December 21, 2015 at 9:54 am - Reply

    Great news…..Just hope that this stupid Government does not increase their contract value and start bending over backwards to make this a profit centre at our cost. If these US profiteers cannot make it pay why does it not occur to the Cons mini brains that the people who do know their clients abilities better than anyone is their GPs. The only reason the sharks were engaged was to use the big stick to flush out the benefit costs. Feels like another example of the Cons “baby out with the bathwater” approach to all things benefits. Maybe if they give up on this madness we might get some medical staff back on the front line.

  7. mrmarcpc December 21, 2015 at 2:24 pm - Reply

    Karma, you reap what you sow!

  8. mohandeer December 21, 2015 at 10:09 pm - Reply

    Unfortunately this means that Maximus will be hiring already dubious or discredited physiotherapists to do the dirty on disabled people. There are still many so-called medical “professionals” like doctors who gamble more than they can earn and down too much brandy at the local millionaires club, who will willingly forfeit their oath in favour of financial gains.

  9. tiddk December 22, 2015 at 9:38 am - Reply

    Excuse me, what happened to my comment about Sue Marsh????

    • Mike Sivier December 22, 2015 at 4:15 pm - Reply

      This site does not publish personal attacks by commenters on other readers/commenters.

      • tiddk December 22, 2015 at 6:34 pm - Reply

        But I didn’t! Like the commenter above who mentioned Sue Marsh, so did I – but you haven’t published it. Shall I re-post it?

        • Mike Sivier December 22, 2015 at 7:10 pm - Reply

          You did as far as I’m concerned!
          So no – don’t re-post.

  10. Mr David Anthony Penson December 24, 2015 at 5:59 pm - Reply

    Mike , could I advise you to Google two words : Maximus Fraud and you will observe just what this sordid Company has been up to in the States, Jeffery Davies is absolutely right , its a disgrace and a telling statement of this feeble minded Government and their criminal ineptitude that they think it perfectly acceptable to award a contract of this size to a Company that stole Hundreds of Millions of Dollars from disabled children who were being assisted under the United States Government Medicare programme, just one of many cases listed online, oh silly me I almost forgot why they are happy to turn a blind eye to such Criminality; the hapless fools own shares in said company, so they are effectively transferring public funds into their private bank accounts . David Penson Bracknell Berkshire.

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