Saudi oil price cut makes fracking pointless in US; why are the Tories so desperate to start fracking here?
Snouts in the trough: Martin Rowson’s Guardian cartoon goes straight to the heart of the matter – fracking isn’t about ending the energy crisis, or even extracting shale gas in a reasonable way; it is about GREED.
The Beast makes an excellent point.
If the Saudis have cut the price of oil, making many shale operations in the US uneconomic, then why is the Conservative Government so keen to ruin the UK’s precious countryside and national parks by starting it here?
It makes no sense. Let’s have some Parliamentary questions about it, please.
I found this little piece under the headline ‘Pentagonism’ on the ‘View from the Bridge’ page at Lobster, no. 71.
What is it with the American state and Saudi Arabia? Bin Laden is a Saudi, the 9/11 gang were almost all Saudis, the
operation was funded by Saudi money and Saudi money is spreading their particular version of fundamentalist Islam
around the world.29 And if that wasn’t enough, just when the US was on the way to becoming self-sufficient in oil through domestic shale, the Saudis deliberately increased oil production, halving the world price of crude, making many of the American shale operations uneconomic. About half of all the US shale operations are now idle.30 Is the Saudi regime now on the US shit-list for this act of economic warfare? Apparently not. Why? The answer, I have to assume, is arms sales. Saudi Arabia has been the number one purchaser of US arms for the last half century.31 (The thought does occur that since this Saudi connection is the aspect of 9/11 the deep and surface US states have suppressed, all the ‘9-11 truther’ activities will be rather welcome distractions to them.)See
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Its called backhanders and jobs for the boys more fraud hay
The United States lifted a 40-year ban on oil exports over the weekend, marking a historic shift for the booming US oil industry. The following articles might be of interest:
Tar sands alarm as US crude exports to Europe rise | Environment | The Guardian; and, Suicide rate in Canada’s Alberta up 30% amid oil industry layoffs — RT Business
There are a couple of points to make regarding fracking in the UK. Firstly, Saudi Arabia hasn’t reduce the price of oil. The price is always a free float and dependent on world supply. They have never set the price. They have only ever controlled the volume being pumped. They haven’t changed the volume for a long while, probably around two years. The price is lower due to over supply worldwide.
Secondly, the publicity about tracking in the UK is about shale gas and not shale oil. It is in the US that shale oil production has become unprofitable not here. The government intentions of allowing fracking under National Parks is for shale gas.
Over-supply worldwide because of the Saudis, as made perfectly clear in the article.
As for gas v oil – so all someone has to do is drop the price of gas and UK tracking is unworkable, yes? Like the Qatar-Turkey pipeline?
That would explain why the Tories have been so desperate to keep Syria unstable!
Hey Mike … My view is that to understand the fracking abomination, it is first essential to fully understand the UN project first called, loosely, AGENDA 21, which is in fact a totalitarian and Orwellian reality hiding behind a euphemism: Sustainable living. Last september the new AGENDA 2030 was unveiled by those well known World Stage Actors, The POPE, Barrack Obama, and the usual suspects in adoring attendance. lapping up every treacherous word. A21 is pretty well established, requiring certain strategies to enter side stage. These strategies are: Climate change deal (regardless of the fact that climate change is a scam being driven by aerosol spraying-Chemtrails), and of course full control of water, which requires a scarcity of tthat life giving substance. There is of course no water shortage (google ‘primary water’-Prog Geiss), meaning one (shortage) has to be engineered. Enter Fracking. An incredibly destructive process that causes Earthquakes, and facilitates the dumping of huge amounts of toxic waste, including “Nuclear waste” into the ground, which enters the water table rendering our drinking water toxic. Bingo, the required shortage is introduced of drinkable water. In America where drought is being engineered in California this has been very successful. Planners are introducing population control strategies including building special 33 (yep that 33 again) story residential complexes for 5000 people in downtown LA. US. Agenda 21. Lawns illegal (lots of….Yep fines, for non compliance), and all the while Nestle is being permitted to suck up Californias remaining water supply to sell in supermarkets: Bottling water is to be considered part of the strategy to steal all freedom. As is now happening in Eastern US in the great lakes. Coca Cola to tend to erect bottling plants where drought is required: They have just been kicked out of India. Too, GMO crops use up to eight times as much water as normally evolved plants. Do you see. Western government are involved in an undeclared war to death or freedom, and most people have no idea. GMO, TTIP, Fracking, Massive weaponised Immigration to destroy culture, all Made in US tm. It is way beyond time for pitchforks and good hemp rope.
I think my post was too long and so rejected… Well ok, but Fracking is a strategy to engineer a water shortage required to enact the protocols of the despicable UN’s AGENDA 21, and Agenda 2030.
There are so many concerns: The material pumped into the ground hydraulically is known to have contained a large proportion of toxic waste including nuclear, thus decimating the water quality and quantity.
It would be very useful were people to understand a little more about water and the “CON” practiced against the people of the world: Google the interview of Prof Giess regarding “Primary water”.
Finally take a very critical look at an “Engineered Drought”. California is the best example to date of the confluence of harmful technologies employed against the people. California has the Corporation named Nestle drawing water at its bottling plant long after its licence expired and in the face of citizen outrage. Off the west coast in the Pacific Geoengineers are working on weather control tech to disrupt rainfall. The State is in a deep crisis. Look at the sky any day here in the UK and you will see the toxic chemicals sprayed they say to manage “Climate Change” though the truth is that Climate Change is caused by weather management systems.
Fracking licences are just to boost Ponzi Scheme:
…Because there’s money in it *for them*? Several high-ranking Tories have investments in either firms related to oil and gas, or the fracking firms themselves; greedy, grasping swine that they are, of course they’re going to want their monies’-worth. Everything this government does lately, when the curtain is drawn back and the evidence is really scrutinised, seems to be about making money on their own personal investments.
Then again, they ARE Tories, I suppose… ¬_¬
Maybe it will be a case of Karma when all these arms they are buying will be used against the West to finally secure a world dominated by Islam..
We know that ‘fracking’ is simply the excuse to conceal a Tory Enclosure Strategy. everywhere they have issued ‘so called’ permits, is Land protected by now ignored Statuary Acts.
Another Cameroon swindle.
Crude oil will run out eventually irrespective of its market price. That why we need to develop all potential sources of energy such as shale gas.