Big six energy firms’ kick in teeth for customers

Cost shock: Even the Conservative-supporting Daily Telegraph has been complaining about high energy prices – as demonstrated by this cartoon from 2012.
The price of gas and electricity is lower than a year ago but don’t cheer your good luck.
Most consumers are saving little more than two per cent and those on the “wrong” tariffs have had nothing.
Yet the cost of gas to the energy firms has crashed by half in the past two years and electricity is down by a third.
They could easily afford to slash your bills by a lot more than a paltry few pence.
Instead, they have chosen to swell their already enormous profits and are expected to pocket an incredible £3billion this year on top of the £2.5billion in the previous 12 months.
That is £5,500million in two years, not due to brilliant management but to the vagaries of the international energy markets.
It is equivalent to winning the Lotto jackpot EVERY WEEK.
Source: Voice of the Mirror: Big six kick in teeth for customers – Voice of the Mirror – Mirror Online
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should never have been sold off if its one thing its proved going private cost alot more untill that day when its brought back into government control
I guess we should be truly grateful that the Government has such strong, robust and independant policing of these suppliers by Fair Trading Offices. Nothing at all gets past these Rottweillers who are a force who make these greedy energy companies quake in their shoes. Well that’s where the fairy tale ends….they are lazy incompetent poodles who should all be fired for keep toading up to Governments who love the extra vat income from overpriced bills. Sure you can shop around but the basic argument is that the GB population is being totally screwed big time and the useless sods paid to make sure these greedy industries keep in line are proving that they are a complete waste of time and money. What happened to that big exercise into this whole question of quick increases and slow decreases and rampant profiteering of the suppliers???
Would be good if a genuine public power retailer was to start up with modest profit ambitions just to prove how much these bandits are robbing us. Another re-nationalisation for the List.
I can’t see the point of even having a regulator as it appears they are toothless tigers in a well paid position and no doubt in the pockets of the energy suppliers.
Any responsible caring Minister would address this immediately but we can only dream on as there are no caring Tories, so we all suffer as a result.
Have you not yet understood? Corporations are the NEW Dictatorship, they do as they please, charge what they like, lie, cheat and steal, alter your Direct Debits in collusion with their fellow Bankster swindlers and, stick two fingers up at any foolish customer attempting to question their crooked services……
Get used to the New World order or they will destroy your ‘Credit Rating’ the equivalence of the ‘slaves’ chain around the Neck.