Corbyn poised to move Hilary Benn in high-stakes reshuffle?
According to the media, Jeremy Corbyn is about to reshuffle his shadow cabinet to crack down on public dissent…
Jeremy Corbyn is ready to offer the shadow foreign secretary, Hilary Benn, a move to another shadow cabinet post in what is likely to be an imminent, high-risk reshuffle aimed at ensuring that his top team speaks with one voice on foreign and defence matters, the Observer understands.
The Labour leader may make a series of highly controversial changes within days that could also include a switch for defence spokeswoman Maria Eagle.
The reshuffle – while not finalised, and with no date yet set – is being planned principally as a way to avoid the Labour leader publicly voicing opposing views to members of his shadow team on their specific briefs.
Corbyn believes that the party is remarkably united on most domestic issues, including economic policy, and that it now has to present a similar front on foreign affairs and defence in votes on key issues such as Trident in the coming months.
Source: Corbyn poised to move Hilary Benn in high-stakes reshuffle | Politics | The Guardian
… Or is he?
It looks as though this is still up in the air.
If it hasn’t happened by the end of the week, This Blog is betting that it won’t.
Shadow culture secretary Michael Dugher has rejected claims Jeremy Corbyn is to carry out a reshuffle of his shadow cabinet to clear out dissenting voices.
Rumours of reshuffles “swirl around in politics” in all parties – but “over-enthusiastic aides” and ambitious MPs were often the source, he said.
He said removing critics from his front bench would be “inconsistent” with Mr Corbyn’s pledge to allow more debate.
Source: MP Michael Dugher rejects Jeremy Corbyn reshuffle claims – BBC News
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He(Corbyn) would not be removing critics, the correct terminology is “saboteurs” and we don’t need any of them. The party would be better off with the likes of Benn, Danczuk and a great many more removed from the party let alone the cabinet.
I agree with Mike, there will likely be no reshuffle as too many will threaten to walk out – I say to JC – LET THEM, – call their bluff, most of them are in politics for whatever they can get out of it and value the privilege of their position much more than any ideology.
It’s not about plurality of opinion and debate, it’s about following the rules of any party, that especially the shadow cabinet agree to support the agreed policies, and their leader. Many have turned down shadow cabinet positions, indeed some flew of their own accord, to have the freedom to challenge. I don’t think there will be a shuffle, if only to confound those Bitterites inside & outside the party. Not now, anyway.
The Christmastime “silly season” when there is little political goings on of any consequence, usually results in the media hyperventilating about possibilities! I suppose they have to be seen to be doing something by their bosses but it all so tiresome reading about it.
JC needs to reflect on history and recall how many times good leaders have failed to dispose of saboteurs inside their own ranks only to have them challenge them at some latter stage. As a guide I think that it was Machiavelli who stated “If an injury has to be done to a man it should be so severe that his vengeance need not be feared.” which I take to mean killing or at least permanently neutralising your enemies whenever the occasion presented itself.
Go on JC get rid of the saboteurs once and for all.