David Cameron criticised for turning ‘blind eye’ to mass executions in Saudi Arabia
![A woman in Bahrain protests against the execution of Nimr al-Nimr, a leading Shia cleric who had been a political prisoner since 2012 and was a noted critic of the Saudi royal family, with the words 'Damn you' [Image: Getty].](http://voxpoliticalonline.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/160103saudiprotest-1024x824.jpg)
A woman in Bahrain protests against the execution of Nimr al-Nimr, a leading Shia cleric who had been a political prisoner since 2012 and was a noted critic of the Saudi royal family, with the words ‘Damn you’ [Image: Getty].
David Cameron’s silence in the wake of Saudi Arabia’s execution of 47 prisoners, including a leading Shia cleric, that has sparked global outrage has been branded “utterly shameful”.
The Prime Minister has yet to comment publicly on the killings and human rights campaigners have urged him to condemn the mass killings.
The international human rights group Reprieve said the UK “must not turn a blind eye to such atrocities and must urgently appeal to the kingdom to change course”. The leading human rights campaigner Peter Tatchell said the UK Government’s stance on Saudi Arabia was “completely immoral”.
The kingdom has been widely condemned by the international community for executing scores of prisoners in Riyadh, Mecca, Medina and in the eastern and northern regions.
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Have been saying this for the past 5 years the man is a megalomaniac and has extreme power issues , should be removed along with his cabinet immediately from there positions as they have now crossed the line of Britain’s position to have a right as an exclusive chair to the UN and NATO would not surprise me if there is legal proceedings in the Hague at the world court for criminal injustice to civilians by third parties whom have been the recipients of malevolent treatment aided by the United Kingdom. Atrocious that the political Leader of this country condones the behaviour of Saudi Arabia or any other country for that fact who treat there own population with such contempt and cruelty.
Tweeted @melissacade68
Delphine Lourtau, research director at Cornell Law School’s Death Penalty Worldwide, told AP that defendants in Saudi Arabia are not provided with defense lawyers and in numerous cases of South Asians arrested for drug trafficking, are not even provided translators in court hearings. There are also concerns “over the degree of influence the executive has on trial outcomes” when it comes to cases where Shi’ite activists are sentenced to death, she said.
Emory Law professor and Shariah scholar Abdullahi An-Naim has said that since there is an “inherent infallibility in court systems,” no judicial system can claim to enforce an immutable, infallible form of Shariah, AP reported him as saying.
After an avalanche of international criticism from human rights groups, Saudi Arabia’s representative to the United Nations Human Rights Council, Bandar al-Aiban, claimed in a speech in Geneva in March that capital punishment applies “only [to] those who commit heinous crimes that threaten security.” END
According to Human Rights Watch, of the first 100 prisoners executed in 2015, at least 56 sentences were carried out based on judicial discretion, not for crimes for which Saudi law requires a mandatory death penalty.
“only [to] those who commit heinous crimes that threaten security.” OH really?
In November 2015, at least 63 people (including 45 foreign nationals) were executed since the start of the year for drug-related offences, Amnesty International said. That figure accounted for at least 40 percent of the total number of executions in 2015 (compared to less than 4 percent for drug-related executions in 2010). So much for Bandar al -Aiban (SA representative to the UNHR) false claim(lies).
I think the country should be renamed as SORDID ARABIA. And no democracy should have anything to do with it.
….and these creatures chair the UN’s committee on Human Rights? Shame on other nations especially the UK for supporting them.
It may be a lot worse than just supporting the Saudi’s lead in the UN’s human rights council: http://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2015/sep/29/uk-and-saudi-arabia-in-secret-deal-over-human-rights-council-place
The UN Should Have Teeth. Its Word Should Be Law
They have oil, end off.
Let us be very clear – what these tyrants do is butcher people into pieces in public – even Hitler and his band of filthy NAZIS did not chop people up like these UNDER SCUM.
How is butchering people into pieces anything other than a terrorist crime against humanity?
And is it not a TERRORIST crime to supply these criminals with weapons as the UK does?
this really wants pursuing as far as it will go.they are just as bad for what they are doing to people in this country by freezing/starving people to death by denying people benefit payments,which people have payed NI payments all their lives when they were working,for such times as when they might not be.
if a private company did this there would soon be an outcry.