Jeremy Corbyn to press ahead with controversial reshuffle – allegedly

Last Updated: January 4, 2016By

Is it happening or isn’t it? And does it really matter, since the mainstream media is going to keep banging on about it anyway?

Jeremy Corbyn is expected to press ahead with a controversial reshuffle of his shadow cabinet, amid warnings that the Labour arty “is a broad church, not a religious cult”.

Corbyn reportedly spent Sunday with his team preparing a reorganisation to be announced in the coming days. He is expected to offer the shadow foreign secretary, Hilary Benn, and the shadow defence secretary, Maria Eagle, a move to other posts in a reshuffle aimed at ensuring that his top team is united on foreign and defence policy.

Source: Jeremy Corbyn to press ahead with controversial reshuffle | Politics | The Guardian

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  1. Terry Davies January 4, 2016 at 9:05 am - Reply

    hilary Benn is unsuitable as a labour MP and should be ousted from the lsbour party. He lacks the decency to resign. Anna Eagle seems remarkably less known and moving her to s less powerful position seems sensible.

  2. Martin Odoni January 4, 2016 at 9:50 am - Reply

    If the reshuffle doesn’t happen, the media will accuse Corbyn of a ‘u-turn’

  3. Jenny Hambidge January 4, 2016 at 10:07 am - Reply

    He’ll be damned if he does and damned if he doesn’t. by the media and all the tories both in and out of power. Anything to make Jeremy look weak and indecisive.

  4. Harry January 4, 2016 at 12:05 pm - Reply

    I doubt very much whether Hilary Benn (whoever he really is) consulted the people he supposedly represents over the issue of whether to bomb Syria back to the stone age or not, or what are the ethics (none) behind the aggression. So the question is: Who was Hilary Benn really representing with his now infamous “Syrian speech” to go ahead and use Bombing+ as a means to aid in the creation of a ‘Greater Israel’ and the Qatari & Nabucco gas projects. My neighbours don’t seem to be fired up about Syria, while those with an opinion are about 85% against the violence called for by Mr W Benns shadow. Many comprehend fully that Syria is NOT a civil war, but a war of aggression by NATO countries against a Syrian state whose Head, Bashar Al Assad was democratically elected by a majority, the like which Cameron could only dream of. The opposition to my mind are predominantly mercenary paid for by Saudi Arabia (of course), but also Qatar (who wants the pipeline), the UAE, Jordan (in kind), Israel (who has troops on the ground), and of course the ubiquitous “WEst” (NATO- Read Gladio). Plus let us not forget the ‘Sultan’ Erdogan, who is trying to use NATO as a big stick to push his Neo-Ottoman agenda. What a very strange situation we have here as Russia, incrementally exposes the sewer that is Western corporatist politics. Christians subjected to genocide, mass theft of Iraqi and Syrian Oil, industrial assets, and antiquities. Theft on a scale to make every other criminal agenda in history (except Vatican) pale into insignificance.

    Go Jeremy. GO. We love you.

  5. John Gaines January 5, 2016 at 10:18 am - Reply

    Chop and change what you need to Jeremy, we are all ‘Standing by You’, gut the would be Tory Lites and Corporation lackies, we want a LABOUR government not a rehash of the Blair/Brown screwball factory.

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