Corbyn’s reshuffle: It IS happening and Dugher is the first to go
After days of speculation, the Labour Party has started to release details of Jeremy Corbyn’s shadow cabinet reshuffle and – perhaps surprisingly – Michael Dugher is the first man out the door.
He is now the former shadow secretary of state for culture, media and sport.
The mainstream media have hotly tipped Hilary Benn and Maria Eagle for the chop, after they publicly expressed views that were dramatically at odds with those of the Labour leader – most particularly Mr Benn’s speech during the debate on air strikes in Syria.
Some are now suggesting that Mr Benn is likely to stay, though.
Dugher was the first casualty of the shadow cabinet reshuffle, tweeting just after 10am on Tuesday that he had been sacked as shadow culture secretary. Dugher was always one of those who appeared most vulnerable, having urged Jeremy Corbyn not to carry out a “revenge reshuffle”.
He said in a New Statesman interview that speculation about sackings had tended to “drown out our attacks on the Conservative government”. In an interview with PoliticsHome, he criticised Momentum, the grassroots movement that grew out of Corbyn’s leadership campaign as stupid and pointless.
Source: Jeremy Corbyn’s shadow cabinet reshuffle: who’s in and who’s out | Politics | The Guardian
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I believe Hilary Benn is a closet tory, not trustworthy, and Corbyn will benefit from his resignation.
Benn has shown he is not a man of integrity so relegation to a position with least responsibility should happen for the interim pending his resignation.