Senior Labour MP warns David Cameron will destroy social housing by axing lifelong tenancies
One of Labour’s most senior MPs has warned David Cameron is plotting to destroy social housing forever with his cruel attack on council tenants.
Clive Betts , chair of the Commons communities and local government committee, said the PM’s plan to axe lifelong tenancies in council houses will destroy working-class communities and create uncertainty for millions of families.
Mr Betts said: “What we are seeing is the beginning of the end of social housing.”
Labour will on Tuesday make a last ditch bid to block the Tory plan when it is debated in the House of Commons for the first time.
Under Mr Cameron’s proposals, all new council tenants will be reassessed every two to five years and could face eviction if their circumstances have changed.
Mr Betts said: “This is not just an attack on people’s homes. It actually undermines the ideas of neighbourhoods and communities where people put down roots.
“And it upsets family life. If you have to move home, your children have to move school. It is not good for anybody.”
The plan was not included in the Tory manifesto but slipped into the Housing and Planning Bill without warning last month as it made its way through Parliament.
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Like Camoron gives a toss!
I think the Tories will screw up anything they touch. The trouble is the Tories who are in parliament are not anywhere near of the same calibre as those out running companies making loads of dosh. These are the also rans who would never make it in big business or know how to lead companies therefore we end up with terrible decisions, lack of common sense and power freaks..
What happened to roots and community? This even goes against the caMorons own big society model (now abandoned) it will result in more elderly people needing state care because their family and friends will have been scattered around the country and people will lose their jobs if they cannot find nearby housing. Of course they haven’t considered who will clean up after them, service their cars and decorate their expensive houses once the oinks have moved out because of social cleansing policy. They will have to do it themselves and get honest dirt on their hands instead of disabled people’s blood.
Dez, the tories DO screw up everything they touch!
This is the most outrageous plan I have ever heard in my entire 64 years, do these ministers attend the cruel school for a period before going into politics, it would appear so.
I truly hope for millions that the opposition of all parties kick this down the street before it goes any further. How do the tories tick clearly not like any other human being. Sorry I can’t use a capital “T” to name a party of schizophrenics.
Just another Tory nightmare, – what else can be expected?
That is the plan….
Only the rich will be able to have a life long family home. Why do they want to disturb childrens security and education like this? It just creates people without roots or a stake in the wellbeing of their community.
“If a bank is too big to fail, it is too big to exist,”
All is being destroyed to pay for the upkeep of Banksters who have bankrupted the Nation. Unlimited TAXPAYERS’ MONEY IS PROPPING UP THESE AND OTHER CORPORATE SHYSTERS, who ordinarlly would be the long term guests of HMP; IRONIC THAT, INSTEAD OF THEM GOING TO THIER PRISON CELL, the poor are left to starve, the sick are left to Die, the old are swindled of their pensions and the Young are doing SLAVE labour.
Is this part of a Tory plan? If your tenancy isn’t secure you’re more likely to want to buy your own home, that means you’ll probably have to borrow money and of course pay interest to bankers. In order to pay that mortgage you’ll obviously need money and with Tory benefits cut so so much you will not want to lose your job. A 21st century version of serfdom?
It’s a typical Tory move. They don’t want communities to get together, they might talk to each other and decide that they don’t like the government. Heaven forfend! I doubt if too many Tory voters live in social housing either.
shame on all who voted for the tories.
when suicides are being reported you share the responsibility with those who vote for these policies.
remember when your wages are negotiated your Union will have less negotiating strength if Cameron and cronies succeed.
Can this government get any worse? What can we do to fight the terrible attacks that are being inflicted on ordinary people? I despair!
Destroying social housing is what The evil chit wants, the TORIES don’t really care about the population of Britain as long as THEY’RE OK.
Destroying social housing could very well be the thin end of the wedge. After social housing – next will come housing associations – until eventually everyone will either be at the mercy of what could be rogue landlords or be forced into a position whereby they have to buy their own homes.
The much-vaunted freedom of home ownership is a complete illusion. Home owners are completely at the mercy of their employers, as unemployment would mean defaulting on mortgage repayments. Therefore, they would become victims of an economic dictatorship. This is why the government wants everyone to own their own home.