The BNP is no longer a registered political party in the United Kingdom

Adam Walker, the current BNP leader, with the former party leader Nick Griffin [Image: Anita Maric/News Team International].
Yes, the British National Party has failed to renew its registration details and has been struck off the list of UK political parties.
This Writer heard it first from Nick Lowles of Hope Not Hate. He wrote: “That means that it cannot stand candidates in elections or be considered a political party any more. This is a huge humiliation for the fascist party and reflects its demise in recent years.
“Much of this has happened because of us. HOPE not hate was set up to provide a positive antidote to the BNP, which at one time had 2 MEPs, 67 councillors and one person on the London Assembly. In 2009 over 800,000 people voted for them.
“Slowly but surely HOPE not hate activists began pushing them back. We stopped them in Oldham and reversed the tide in Burnley, Stoke, Sandwell and Bradford. We did it street by street, community by community.
“And then, in 2010, there was Barking and Dagenham. BNP leader Nick Griffin thought he could become an MP, the party thought it could win the council. Over 1,500 HOPE not hate activists delivered 355,000 newspapers, leaflets and letters. And the BNP ended up with nothing and its defeat signalled the beginning of its downwards spiral.
“While we celebrate the BNP’s de-registration our work is not done. Britain First, with its one million Facebook supporters, will be standing in elections this year. UKIP whip up fear and hatred of immigrants. And next month Stephen Lennon, the former leader of the EDL, takes to the streets once again with his new anti-Muslim organisation Pegida.”
A battle is won but the fight goes on. As it always should. Even if the BNP had been the last such tool of intolerance in the UK, it would still be necessary to maintain vigilance against the beliefs it professed – to prevent them from rising again.
One day, when the Tories are eradicated from Parliament, we will have to be vigilant against their return as well.
The British National Party has been struck off the UK’s register of political parties, the Electoral Commission has confirmed.
The commission said the BNP, which won two seats in the European parliament in 2009, had failed to meet the annual requirement to submit its registration details on time.
All UK political parties are required every year to confirm with the commission that their details are accurate and pay a pre-registration fee of £25, which the BNP failed to do.
The Electoral Commission said: “The last date a notification can be submitted to the commission is six months after the deadline for submission of a party’s statement of accounts.
“The BNP’s statement of accounts were due on 7 July 2015. Their annual confirmation of registered details was therefore due on or before 7 January 2016.
“The Electoral Commission did not receive the notification by this date and is required by law to remove the BNP from its register of political parties in Great Britain.”
Source: BNP struck off register of UK political parties | Politics | The Guardian
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I hope people realise all the BNP has got to do to get re-registered is pay £25
Do you think they’ve got £25?
This is excellent news and as a supporter of Hope not Hate I know they are active in targeting all other hate groups including English Defence League, UKIP and the so called “religious” extremists including intolerant “Christians”, “Muslims”‘ “zionists” etc. I use the inverted commas in these descriptions because they are labels they claim but their actions and rhetoric are diametrically opposite to the central teachings of each of those faiths.
Good riddance, but we must vigilant that they do not return in another guise.