Cameron wants to teach parents to control children. He should be first to enrol on the course
David Cameron really should think before speaking.
The man who famously left his then-eight-year-old daughter Nancy in a pub for 15 minutes reall has no right to lecture the UK’s hardworking parents.
And his shameless exploitation of his late son Ivan as a public relations tool to defend his pathetically-weak claim to support the National Health Service, having also removed the state benefit the millionaire prime minister received to support the boy – ensuring that families in real need can’t have it – is nothing less than a national scandal.
The prime minister will call for a revolution in child rearing this weekend by suggesting that all parents should attend classes on how to discipline their children.
In a move likely to enrage those fearful of an encroaching “nanny state”, David Cameron will say that it should be the norm for parents to receive instruction on how to behave around their offspring.
As part of a speech on the family, Cameron will announce plans for a parenting classes voucher scheme, claiming that all parents need help and that there is too little state-sponsored guidance on offer.
Source: David Cameron: parents should be taught how to control children | Politics | The Guardian
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So if a parent refuses the “help” what is he going to do? Take the said children in to “care” or fine the parents? but for what? He should be charged with endangering his own children.
What gives him the right to say he knows how to be the perfect parent, He Is Not!!!
Wise words from our dictator.
I have always told my sons, never EVER put your private parts in a dead pigs mouth.
The hypocrisy of this unpleasant cretin is breath-taking.
is this his way of trying to balance up the current overview of the islamic education skew that is being uncovered in specific areas. Yes it is reflecting a nanny state that wants to clone nice conservatives……
I think the Islam-slanted education is partly of Cameron’s own making – part of the ‘Free Schools’ fiasco created by Michael Gove.
Mr Piggy has no idea!!!
How does Mr Piggy propose to do this whilst dismantling sure start?
Is “State sponsored guidance” code for “We want you teach your kids to grow up believing that only Tory values are the right?
I agree. Cameron’s parents were never taught how to bring up children and look what they’ve landed us with!!!
this is likely to be parents indoctrinating their children with tory values.
wonder if he has a view on how terrorist sympathisers behave. !!!!!:
The fact that Cameron is still using his son’s death to elicit sympathy in what HE perceives is a father’s “love” is actually very typical of a sociopath who gets by in life by imitating tears and tender love to replace their own lack of true empathy. There must be a great many genuinely grieving parents who find his milking the “bereft father” ploy as quite sickening, precisely because they can’t imagine using the death of a much “truly” loved child to gain points in this way. It is beginning to look more and more like the child’s death, far from being the monstrous tragedy so many of us thought it was, did indeed prove very serendipitous to Dave. The timing was perfect when you reflect back and he certainly did take full advantage of the “crisis” at the death of his son. It also explains his lack of any compassion for those he hounds literally to death with his policies on the vulnerable. A wolf in sheep’s clothing, methinks.
Cameron also dumped his son on a friend of mine for an hour, while he went off for a run with his body guards. Apparently he saw her with her son, having a kick about, walked over, and instructed her to “look after my son”, and just jogged off. She said he spoke to her like a servant, totally down his nose. I won’t comment further on anything else said, as children were involved But it does seem Jr. is a chippy of the old block.
She should have taken the boy to the nearest police officer as an abandoned child.
Oh yes, and Cameron / Osborne have caused the closure and decimation of child care faculties provided through the Sure Start programme that did actually provide parenting advice, child care, all sorts of support for parents, and had a very good mix of parents from all backgrounds. Their previous attempts at controlling, sorry helping, the underclass was a shambles, apparently only attracting 10% of the numbers planned for as it was seen to be for failing parents only.
I’d heard that Mr. Cameron was going to provide real substantial and easy to follow advice on how parents can bring children up better: he’s going to give them the phone number of the nanny that brought him up.