Government consultation to limit disabled people’s eligibility for Personal Independence Payment
How timely that the KittySJones blog highlights the Conservative Government’s mistreatment of the disabled on the day This Blog pillories David Cameron (again) for using his own late, disabled son as a shield while carrying out this harm.
A quick glance at the graph alone should be enough to convince doubters.
The government is considering ways of reducing eligibility criteria for the daily living component of Personal Independence Payment (PIP) by narrowing definitions of aids and appliances. Other suggestions for cuts include:
•Targeting resources through a lump sum payment for claimants who meet or exceed the eligibility point threshold for the daily living component but score all of their points from aids and appliances. The value of this lump sum could be less than the cumulative value of the equivalent monthly payments. It could be discretionary and could be restricted, for example through the use of vouchers. It would not act as a passport to any other benefit or benefit premia and would not exempt claimants from the benefit cap.
•A monthly payment below the equivalent weekly rate for claimants who meet or exceed the eligibility point threshold for the daily living component, at either rate, but score all of their points from aids and appliances. Again, this payment would not act as a passport to any other benefit or benefit premia and would not exempt claimants from the benefit cap.
•A new condition of entitlement that claimants must score some points from a descriptor that does not relate to aids and appliances.
The government are conducting a consultation and invite views from all interested parties, especially disabled people and disability organisations.
The review led the government to conclude that PIP doesn’t currently fulfil the original policy intent, which was to cut costs and “target” the benefit to “those with the greatest need.”
That basically meant a narrowing of eligibility criteria for people formerly claiming Disability Living Allowance, increasing the number of reassessements required, and limiting the number of successful claims. Prior to the introduction of PIP, Esther McVey stated that of the initial 560,000 claimants to be reassessed by October 2015, 330,000 of these are targeted to either lose their benefit altogether or see their payments reduced.
Source: Consultation as government seek to limit disabled people’s eligibility for Personal Independence Payment
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Why does the Tory Party despise the disabled so much? What have disabled people, many of whom worked for many years contributing to the exchequer, ever done to deserve this targeted discrimination. If someone is born disabled are we to consider them as having little or no worth as has been demonstrated by the use of language by the Conservatives in describing people on benefits (which perversely includes women with children claiming child benefits, disabled claiming carers allowance and the elderly with a second bedroom claiming rent allowance) or de we follow the maxim of “we can only go as fast as the slowest among us” instead of “survival of the fittest and richest”?
Kitty Sue did a really good blog on cognitive dissonance and another on the use of language as a means to enable and encourage selfish and self serving attitudes towards the vulnerable and less well off. It seems the trash peddlars among the right wingers in this country are brainwashing the next generation on how to revert to Darwinism.
money comes first in this government, lives are expendible
Because this Government has an agenda to kill all those who are weak and can not fight back…these plebs are no better then a cowardly bunch of C**t’s
It seems more likely that they are determined to make life for people with disabilities so unpleasant that they kill themselves, as a form of “no blame” Aktion T4.
How any government could be so callous beggers belief that they think all equipment and needs are dealt with by Nhs just stuns me ,extra costs for my son includes drawsheets for everyday use because we cant get enough, cranberry juice for bladder infections which is not available on prescription, kitchen roll for use in handwashing to keep infections down, rubber gloves for infection control, plus aprons, lots of anti bacterial hand cleaner, disinfectant, bleach, extra bedding, pillows, duvets, clothes to replace ruined clothes not even reached a high fibre diet yet, which is very expensive. They really do want all disabled dead, lot of disabled even with DLA or PIP have to pay out extra for heating because it affects their skin, God help us.