Greenest government ever? Cameron’s climate change lies should cause concern to EU nations
David Cameron will answer questions from the Commons liaison committee at 4pm today (January 12) [Image: Andy Rain/EPA].
This government has approved fracking – under English national parks, of all places; it has cut subsidies for ‘green’ energy generation; it has tried to sell of our national forests several times; and it has tried to approve building in the Green Belt.
Now this, soon after David Cameron signed an international agreement to tackle climate change.
Not only is he deliberately trying to harm the landscape of our beautiful country, he is also harming our relations with foreign nations.
“What is his word worth?” they will ask (not for the first time, in many cases). He says one thing and does another.
Let’s not forget he is still traipsing himself around the European Union, trying to get support for his plan to cut our in-work benefits and then tell us Johnny Foreigner made him do it.
Why should any EU statesperson take him at his word, knowing that he has lied over climate change?
The prime minister was accused of double standards for abandoning a commitment to hold a competition to encourage the development of carbon capture and storage (CCS), which could lead to decarbonisation of coal and gas, at the same time as professing to be serious about tackling climate change.
Just a year ago, Cameron had told the [Liaison Committee], made up of select committee chairs, that CCS was “absolutely crucial” for the UK, before funding for a £1bn trial was later scrapped.
Angus MacNeil, the chair of the energy and climate change committee, and Huw Irranca-Davies, the chair of the environmental audit committee, plan to challenge Cameron about the government’s decision, arguing it undermines the commitment to tackling climate change.
Source: Cameron faces questions over scrapping of carbon capture scheme | Politics | The Guardian
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people should realise by now that anything CaMoron does is aimed at making his fat cat cohorts even fatter.he and his govt dont care about anybody else,only their rich friends.
their only objective is to see how much of the public purse they can cream off for themselves,and how many of our services they can privatise for their fat cat friends to profit from.
how many privatisations,we were told, would create more competition and are now more expensive and worse run than when they were nationalised.
electric,gas,water,trains,buses to name the obvious all now run to benefit the owners and their shareholders,not for the benefit of ordinary people.
its time people woke up to what this disgusting government is all about.
I fear that I must be colour-blind if this is the greenest government as to me I can only see red.
Lies, Lies and yet more barefaced lies. That’s all we have had from Cameron. He doesn’t even try to hide his utter corrupt dishonesty.