Tory bill could hand foreign landlords nearly 200,000 council houses, warns Labour

Labour estimates that 40,000 council homes will disappear each year under the current demands of the Conservative government [Image: Photofusion/UIG via Getty Images].
Labour’s John Healey is right to raise the issue. He has already put forward a much better plan for housing, that could kill the Tory Bedroom Tax stone dead.
Also, the policy plays directly into the hands of organisations like UKIP – just as the United Kingdom is preparing for a referendum on whether to remain a member of the European Union.
Any independence party worth its salt will be asking if the Conservative Party is so keen to stay in the EU because it is busy selling off the UK to the other nations, piece by piece. Where is the benefit for our own people?
And what of the Tory backbenchers who oppose our membership of the EU? Will they speak up against this?
It will be damning if they don’t.
More than 190,000 council houses could be lost by 2020 if the government’s housing bill, currently passing through parliament, is approved, Labour has warned.
A proposal to force councils to sell their highest value homes, as well as the impact of increased discounts for council tenants granted the “right to buy”, will result in the loss of one in every eight council properties, according to the shadow housing minister.
Speaking in advance of the Commons housing debate on Tuesday, John Healey said the homes could be snapped up by overseas investors and buy-to-let landlords rather than people in housing need. The legislation being proposed by the communities secretary, Greg Clark MP, is an “extreme housing bill that fails young people and families on ordinary incomes who need a hand to afford a home to own or rent”, Healey said.
“Rather than running down the number of much needed affordable homes, ministers should be investing more homes to rent and buy,” said Healey, who was housing minister in Gordon Brown’s government.
Source: Tory bill could cost UK nearly 200,000 council houses, warns Labour | Society | The Guardian
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As long as the money goes to the wealthy on the sell off, why should they worry who they are selling to? They would sell the hairs off their arses if they could make a few quid out of it!
That the problem with Conselfservatives, they always run out of other people’s things to sell.
Corbyn and the Labour party plus all other parties should be fighting this tooth and nail,or else there will be vast swathes of this country laid to waste under this plan,worse than anything Hitlers bombs did.
Tory malpractice at its very worst.
By starving the Councils of cash this will force their hand to flog the lot with none of the money going back into rebuilding new all the sold houses….yet another blatant lie from the Cons spin factory for total domination.