Goldman Sachs pays Nick Clegg £22,500 for EU speech
Apparently there aren’t any pictures of him in front of a sign saying ‘Corrupt animal’ [Image: Matt Cardy/Getty Images].
It seems Nick Clegg’s corruption problem has surfaced again (there was that previous case, in which he arranged a coalition deal with the Conservative Party in March 2010, two months before that year’s general election).
One wonders what Tim ‘The Mr Pure of Politics’ Farron will do about it.
If he does nothing, he condones this sort of thing. But does he have the guts to take the necessary steps against his former boss?
Nick Clegg was paid £22,500 by Goldman Sachs for a two-and-a-half-hour speech and presentation on the EU, it has emerged.
The former deputy prime minister, who condemned the global investment bank in 2010 for alleged “recklessness and greed”, listed the payment in the latest entry for the Commons register of members’ interests.
The entry said that his agent, News Presenters Ltd, arranged for him to be paid £22,500 for delivering a keynote speech and moderating a question and answer session over dinner for Goldman Sachs in London on 2 December 2015. The speech examined Britain’s place in the EU.
A similar fee was arranged for a speech by Clegg on the EU at PepsiCo in New York last August. On that occasion, Clegg was paid £22,000 for two hours’ work.
Source: Goldman Sachs pays Nick Clegg £22,500 for EU speech | Politics | The Guardian
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Goldman Sachs have long term links to Tories.
Therefore Clegg will have been ‘ networking’ with them when he was part of the last government.
His scapegoat role in the last government has been changed to paid advocate in the EU supporting Cameron and right wing tories.
One would have thought that such a staunch europhile would have delivered a speech on something he passionately believes in for free, but then the whole rotten edifice is more about finding jobs for failed politicians than anything else in their minds.
Wow… a lot of other personalities they have hungry agents who are really good at negotiating huge fees for similar lack lustre celebs. Their agents fees must be extremely large and there are still paying idiots out there with more money than sense.
Give it time he will be on the opening Supermarket circuit at a much lower rate.
£45 Grand for half a day’s work! If there is a rule(law) against this sort of thing I think most people would agree that it should be enforced.