Jeremy Hunt warns he could force deal on doctors three days after saying that should “never” happen
Mounting anger: Jeremy Hunt twice repeated the warning he can force contracts on doctors. If he does, he’ll create more trouble for himself than he can possibly withstand.
Hunt is getting desperate now.
He knows he has lost the public relations battle over junior doctors’ contracts; now he has nothing left other than a threat to force his unfair contract on them.
But they’re already striking against his plan to force that contract on them!
All this bonehead will achieve is the alienation of the rest of the English health service.
If he won’t come back to the table with all options open, then he’ll have to sit an watch while surgeons amputate any authority he thought he had left.
So much for Tory reform of the health service!
Jeremy Hunt has told junior doctors they’re not the only important people in the NHS as he warned they could be forced to accept his 7-day NHS contract.
The Health Secretary spoke out today ahead of a second day running of negotiations to avoid another strike.
Doctors furious at plans to class 10pm as “sociable hours” plan more walkouts on January 26 and February 10 if the deadlock is not resolved.
Mr Hunt insisted he did not want to impose contracts on doctors against their will – but warned twice in one short interview that he could.
And his language was stronger than just three days ago when he said a contract should “never” be imposed.
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Welcome to the Tory Dictatorship. Evil to the core !
How this cretin has achieved high public office is beyond me.
Nmac – How many guesses do you need?
He certainly would not have crawled that high in a Labour administration and it seems to me that his high and mighty attitude will bring him down to his true level very shortly.
Why would you believe a Tory? Why are we surprised Cnut has reneged on his words?
Tweeted @melissacade68
Will still have talks with them but will impose it if they don’t vote his way, who said this country was a democracy, it hasn’t been since Thatcher’s time!
The Hunt wants to play tough unfortunately his image and demeanour just shouts …brainless tory wimp. Hope he goes down with the ship.
shows dictatorship of the UK government.
Ok Mike, predictions time. What do you think will happen, especially if he DOES force the contract on them? The Tories can do anything they want, after all :)
It will have no legal weight.
any agreement they make will probably have a no strike clause in it.
any contract that is forced on a person by any force or coercion is unlawful in law, the courts will not uphold a contract that was obtained using force.
Hope he never gets severly constipated enough to require the urgent services of NHS Emergency rooms enema skills !!