Lord Janner ‘abused 12 at children’s homes’
Janner: Now we’ll never know for sure if he abused children or not. This Writer is convinced, though.
We’re all sick to the back teeth of these fake criminal proceedings against public figures that are delayed just long enough for the accused person to die – aren’t we?
With apologies to Janner’s family, This Writer has no doubt at all that he was guilty of the crimes he was alleged to have committed.
I also think Leon Brittan committed the crimes that have been alleged against him.
If they had been innocent, then I believe any proceedings against them would have taken place and they would have been exonerated long before their deaths.
But they were members of the Establishment and as such, it seems, were above legal redress and could not be seen to be guilty.
Furthermore, there is a question mark hanging over the remarkable timeliness of their passing – in the face of proceedings against them.
Perhaps it is time someone came forward with an allegation against a public figure who is still relatively young and in good health.
Will that person suddenly turn out of have had a long-term illness and die as well?
That would be extremely suspicious.
Twelve former residents of children’s homes say they were abused by Lord Janner, a BBC investigation finds as criminal proceedings end.
The peer, who died before a court could examine claims of child abuse against him, regularly visited homes in Leicester in the 1970s and 1980s.
An ex-police officer says he reported suspicions about Lord Janner, a decade before police began a full inquiry.
Lord Janner, who had denied any abuse, died in December.
A “trial of the facts” has now been shelved by prosecutors.
A jury would have been asked to decide – without reaching a decision about whether he was guilty – if 22 alleged incidents of abuse from the 1960s to the 1980s had taken place.
Lord Janner’s family have said he is “entirely innocent” and a man of “great integrity and high repute”.
However, the BBC has traced and interviewed dozens of men and women who lived at children’s homes in Leicestershire in the 70s and 80s.
Source: Lord Janner ‘abused 12 at children’s homes’ – BBC News
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There are some people within parliament that parliament protects, Janner and Brittan being just two that come to mind. Parliament either delays proceedings hoping that all will fade into the background, or if a person is prominent makes a way for them to vanish from public view, as many did when Elm Guest House came back into view.
Leon Brittan should have been dealt with in 1982, but the government of the day covered things up. A video of him at Elm Guest House was supressed.
Although they escaped criminal proceedings their ongoing legacies will be that they were serial kiddy fiddlers. Their families will have live with that tainted view of their Lordy ancestors.
What is needed, is the identification of one or more off those that facilitated non-prosecution. These are people who, may themselves be involved in despicable behaviour to vulnerable children, or simply as you say, cover each others ‘establishment’ backs. Joint Enterprise makes these people joint and severally (sic) liable, just as much as the perpetrator in their perversion of justice. Will the BBC take up the mantle?
Prime ministerial advisers who are enthusiasts of child sexual abuse like Mr Doug Richard and Mr Patrick Robert John Rock de Besombes appear to be pieces that can be sacrificed, but they originated from the same side of the board.
We don’t know that they’re guilty yet! Be careful how you describe them.
they are undesirable leeches draining the taxpayer by their existence.
Does that not show we need rid of these leaches – They protect their own regardless of cost to the victims!
Hiding evidence of crime IS A CRIMINAL OFFENCE! It is regarded as aiding and abetting or is in regard to the ‘general public’.
The perpetrator and those who helped would all be dragged before the court to face justice!
Those who helped hide are fully responsible for all further attacks made!
They are scum and this proves it!
It is as you say Mike, although I have no doubts as to the guilt of many of the alleged perps, we will never know. All cases involving prominent social elites have been brushed under the carpet and in some cases the victims themselves have come under police harassment in order to silence them. What is so galling is that this double standards is so blatant. Many MEP’s are immune while in office and both police personnel and the CPS have been throwing up obstacles like hurdles at a dog track. The idea is that we all give up and consign it as a lost cause until we stop demanding justice, or the now grown victims give up seeking that elusive justice. It’s people like yourself that keep the much needed momentum going.
Janner WAS reported decades ago Mike, it was the allegations that were covered up for years not the lack of accusations
Okay. How do we get around that?
You don’t. Because if the ‘evidence’ to convict one of these perverts was to be presented to you, you – like so many others who profess to have the “rights” of the weak and defenceless at heart – would balk at making public those facts if it concerned a ‘socialist’. Could you tell me, for example, which law breakers Ms Chakrabati of Liberty has been instrumental in bringing to book? I will applaud her if you give me the facts. She, and many others on the ‘rights’ ticket are schtum and will remain so, because they are told to be so. Whatever happened to the ‘Convention on Modern Liberty’? So many good intentions, but so much hot air. Or was it? Jeremy Corbyn was an MP rated highly (highest?) by the organisers, so perhaps his version of Labour should adopt the ideals of CofML. If they did, I predict their poll ratings would rocket. If you remember that day in February (or go to the website to find out what all the fuss was about) please ask yourself why such a great idea died the death. It wasn’t thro’ lack of funding – there were some very rich people involved in this.
You really don’t know me, ‘Guy’. A crime is a crime, no matter whether the people committing it call themselves socialists, capitalists, patriots or whatever. I would have no qualms at all about sending anyone to justice. You might act differently, and therefore expect others to do the same, but that’s your problem.
“A long-awaited independent report into why it took decades to bring Lord Janner to court to face child sex abuse charges is due to be published this coming week, sources have told the Guardian”
Just in case you missed it x
contempt of court is a charge reserved for those witholding information. MPs and Lords hide behind Parliamentary privilege. maybe in proven cases the privilege should be removed by legislation compiled for this purpose.
the documents incriminating Leon Brittan,the ones that “disappeared ” were later said to have been handed to him when he was,i think, Home Secretary.
so we know what happened to them then dont we ? back of the fire job,because he knew he was incriminated in them,bet he couldn’t believe his luck.
which beggars the question,didn’t the police read them before handing them over ?
We don’t know what they said. It may be that there was nothing to directly incriminate Brittany, but there was material against someone who could point the finger at him. It’s only speculation, though, as we don’t know what happened to the docs.
its lack of the system which enabled these abusers to escape accountability. What about photocopying the evidence before presenting it to the justice minister. A direction for the CPS to be sent a copy simultaneously with the Justice minister made aware. It might lead to less MP corruption or suicidal MPs. But this is surely better than no effective system.
I tend to agree with the idea of making copies and sending them to several different authorities – with a couple of further copies for the media and for friends as a back-up.
Dissatisfied will system
Another pervert that’s got away with it, like there was any other outcome!