Native Americans revive fight against oil pipeline after Trump approves it

Military veterans march in support of protesters at the Standing Rock Sioux reservation on December 5.
The fight against the Dakota Access Pipeline – an oil pipe that threatens the drinking water of a Sioux community in North Dakota, USA – is back on.
Protesters – from around the world – who forced the Obama administration to order an Environmental Impact Assessment on the pipeline may have thought the battle was over.
But new US President Donald Trump has signed an executive order resurrecting the pipeline’s construction – despite the ongoing EIA.
What are you going to do about it?
The Standing Rock Sioux of North Dakota are vowing a fight against President Trump’s Dakota Access Pipeline green light.
“Today, Trump announced an executive order on DAPL–which not only violates the law, but it violates tribal treaties. Nothing will deter us from our fight for clean water. We will be taking legal action, and take this fight head on.”
“We urge you to fight and stand tall besides us,” a Facebook post on the tribe’s page says, encouraging supporters to take advantage of the recently announced Environmental Impact assessment and submit comments to the Army Corps of Engineers, as well as “call your congressional representatives and let them know that the people do not stand behind today’s decision. ”
“Stand together as one and we will not fall,” closes the post.
Source: The Standing Sioux Tribe Just Responded to Trump’s Dakota Pipeline Order
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