David Cameron criticises BBC for use of ‘Islamic State’
Presenter Sarah Montague advised David Cameron to take up his concerns with those who set BBC editorial guidelines. Unfortunately, he reckons he will. [Image: BBC].
Viewers and listeners around the UK – and the world – are becoming increasingly discouraged by the fact that BBC bosses simply won’t accept the fact that the Conservative Government does not like the Corporation and never will.
They want private TV companies, owned by rich businessmen and women who support the Conservative Party; they most certainly do not want a publicly-funded, public-service broadcaster.
And they won’t change their mind, just because the BBC is trying to go soft on the Tory Government.
Cameron’s latest criticism is itself a travesty. He only started using the term ‘Daesh’ last month; he has no right to criticise the BBC.
But you can bet that he will follow through on his threat to take up the issue with the Tory supporters who set the editorial guidelines for BBC News.
And, instead of telling him where to go in the bluntest of terms, the suits will gladly leap onto the floor so he can walk all over them.
Worst of all is the fact that – while he himself has no claim on the moral high ground – Cameron is right; Daesh is not an Islamic state and has no right to be described as such.
In doing so, the BBC is contradicting its own motto and mission statement.
David Cameron has criticised the BBC again for using the term “Islamic State”, saying Muslim people would be holding their heads in despair.
The prime minister made the comments when he was asked about Islamic State by presenter Sarah Montague during an interview on the BBC Radio 4 Today programme on Monday.
“I think Muslim families around the country would have held their heads in despair this morning when once again you just called it Islamic State. You didn’t even say ‘so-called Islamic State’. It’s so important,” he said.
When Montague said he should take it up with those who set BBC editorial guidelines, he said: “I will.”
The prime minister only started using the term Daesh on 2 December, having previously talked about Isil (an acronym for Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant). It was a victory for MPs who had frequently pressed him to change his usage.
Source: David Cameron criticises BBC for use of ‘Islamic State’ | Media | The Guardian
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While this lot of crooked mps ministers are in power then we has the peasants havent got a chance unless we show them no more but untill that day jeff3
I listened to that interview while driving ( so satisfying to scream Obsenities out loud at the radio).
Montague is well known for giving interviewed tories an easy ride.
She did begin to challenge him on certain issues and he really didn’t like it. Cameron’s lies were obvious. Still spouting rubbish, “difficult decisions/economy /last labour government” when she brought up the slashing of funds to help immigrants learn English, & yet he’s announcing monies now to solve a problem?
He also peddled the continuing lie about “stroke deaths at the weekend” but by that time Montague was well and truly told off and she backed off. Disgraceful.
Bring back Paxman.
The BBC is now full of weak, incompetent presenters who shouldn’t be presenting and discussing important issues, like Evan Davis off Newsnight, he is bloody useless, bumbles and dithers on, asks stupid questions and has no gravitas at all, he is awful but that’s how the BBC and the tories like it and the Beeb will comply with everything, despite the government wanting shot of them!