Relief among anti-EU campaigns as Duncan Smith decides to ‘go it alone’
This is probably as close as the photographer could get to Iain Duncan Smith at last year’s Tory conference, what with all the armed guards surrounding him (not pictured), rooftop snipers etc… [Image: Stefan Rousseau/PA].
For one thing, they won’t have to be constantly making room for his armed bodyguards at their meetings.
Nor, for that matter, with they have to concern themselves with accommodating protesters against his destruction of the UK benefits system.
They won’t have to find a decent answer to the troubling suggestion that if the Gentleman Ranker really wants to leave the EU, perhaps he should clear off unilaterally, never to trouble the rest of us again.
Particularly enjoyable for some older readers should be his claim that he will be a “great big voice” in the campaign.
Isn’t he supposed to be the “Quiet Man” of British politics?
Iain Duncan Smith is to campaign independently for Britain to leave the European Union, spurning the rival campaigns seeking to act as the main group pushing to quit in the EU referendum.
Amid growing confidence in Downing Street that David Cameron is closing in on an EU deal, the Guardian understands that the work and pensions secretary believes that he should act alone as a “great big voice” in the campaign.
The decision by Duncan Smith, which has emerged as the prime minister embarks on a fresh round of bilateral meetings with EU leaders at the World Economic Forum in Davos, will add to a growing sense of crisis among anti-EU campaigners.
Source: Iain Duncan Smith to go it alone in campaign to leave EU | Politics | The Guardian
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he normally heads out to these events when his guard is down and goes around incognito
trouble is where the good doctor when you need him
The man is a plant to encourage reverse psychology.
My god. What a complete and total ranker. He wants to get out of the EU because I think one day he is going to be charged with offences against the European human rights act. Also being a 3rd rate Nazi, he and this dictatorial bunch of slime wants the British people to have no rights whatsoever. The sooner this criminal is either 1, charged with murder. 2 , has a serious illness or accident, 3 shot. Id prefer No 3 and its on You Tube. Check this criminals bank account like they do with everyone on benefits. I would bet every thing I own and love that you would find something illegal. After all he is a con man and criminal. Ian Diarrhoea Smith the beast of Britain.
Yet again, I must reiterate that This Blog does not condone violence.
IDS is going it alone….perhaps that’s more than a Freudian slip.
Ive little doubt this will all just be part of the overall conservative plot to gain more control over us all.
I can see it now!
David Cameron singing the virtues of staying in but not really making any valuable headway over his so called reform package.
With making no headway, or just spouting a load of spurious spin he cleverly creates fear and doubt over Britons ability to rule itself etc….
In steps IDS, filling the minds of the electorate of all the reasons why we need to leave.
Something like = ‘We need to leave because of the immigrants, terrorism/the human rights act etc.
David gains very little ground, but jumps on board sideways with IDS in propagating the need for a Reformed UK. which includes a UK Bill of rights.
All of a sudden, both sides of the camp have what they really want….. A public seemingly voicing its own fears over being left out in the cold by the EU and happily supporting the UK taking control over its own destiny, whether in or out of the EU by allowing the Tory party to bring in its new UK Bill of Rights, Snoopers Charter etc…..
Its all a sleazy game of chess. The public being the Pawns. Whether black or white pieces, their endgame agenda is the same.
This is great news, if he had have joined, many supporters would have left in droves rather than be connected with this vile creature!
He’s still campaigning for Brexit. This will indeed be a turn-off for many, many people.
the leave eu campaign is going good , thousands are joining up to the different leave groups, it does not matter to us whos for leaving whats important is poling day when millions of brits will vote to regain the sovereignty that all the political parties have given away, we do not want to be controlled by the eu , we want our parliament to be accountable to its people, we have seen what the eu has done to Greece and while the eu controles our legislator by the adoption of eu regulations we as a country are servile to their demands, the eu is all about bail ins or stealing depositors money from their accounts see Cyprus and Greece so far and we hear that the eu wishes to push forwards with an eu treasury collecting taxes, an eu army, an eu foreign office and more dictates world wide, an eu police force. why would we feel it necessary to pay a further petrol tax to Europe to pay for the refugee problem created by eu member states, as the uk pays 50 million pounds a day to brusells and 350 million pounds a week we would have thought that enough already but when did the eu say no thanks youv paid enough sit this demand out, we cannot spend this 350 million pounds on our own suffering people, these demands with menaces are endless from the unelected undemocratic cult organisation that was only supposed to be a trade deal, some people will have a vested interest to keep the uk tax payers hostage to Europe from the massive land subsidy brigade to the keep wages low businesses it would seem that everyone from Cameron to obomber to tony baby killer blair are determined that the british people rip up our bill of rights, rip up or amend magna carta and discount the rule of law as proscribed in common law in favour of the French model where your guilty until and if you can prove your innocence and tell that to the Parisians who daily have new restrictions placed on them due to the terror attacks brought about by frances reckless behaviour in north Africa and the middle east, I will be voting to leave the eu cultists behind and to return to the way it was meant under common law , for the sake of your children and their children we cannot ignore that our parliament is now ratifying eu regulations, 27,000 of them at the last count and finally if you don’t like gmo, fracking and the privatisation of the nhs don’t back the eus TTIP deal because that’s what a vote to remain will be bringing you , great blog mike youv done some marvellous work keep on keeping on.
Thanks for the compliment at the end.
I don’t agree with a large number of the things you’ve said, though. You make assumptions and use emotive language to persuade readers – “unelected undemocratic cult organisation” for example.
And, really, you don’t need to. There are strong arguments against membership of the EU as it stands. David Cameron isn’t making them – he’s gone off on a Tory tangent that’s of interest to nobody.
There are also strong arguments in favour of EU membership. I would prefer the debate to be based on rational arguments rather than broad assumptions and emotion.
Always thought he was a dedicated anal team player …. maybe if he becomes to excitable the “team” might decide he needs to join those that he despises so much outside the employment offices …..being moved along by one of his offices shifty security guards.
Who, apart from a few nasty Tory hardliners, is going to listen to this characterless, uninspiring, unpleasant and dishonest bully?