Falklands: Where’s the proof of this Corbyn ‘power-sharing’ claim?
In an interview on the Argentinian embassy’s website, the outgoing ambassador to London, Alicia Castro, said Jeremy Corbyn ‘is one of ours’. So what? She’s on her way out and probably thinks she can say what she likes without worrying about the consequences [Image: Nick Ansell/PA].
The claim that Jeremy Corbyn supports a power-sharing deal, similar to that in Northern Ireland, has been doing the rounds since September last year, at least – but Mr Corbyn does not appear to have dignified it with any comment.
This suggests it is inaccurate.
We are left with hearsay from a member of the Argentinian ruling party, who has a clear interest in making the suggestion.
Needless to say, the Corbyn-hating UK media have leapt on the bandwagon.
Jeremy Corbyn has told Argentinian diplomats he wants a Northern Ireland-style power-sharing deal for the Falkland Islands, according to reports.
Argentina’s outgoing ambassador to London, Alicia Castro, said the Labour leader “shares our concerns” and “he is one of ours”.
In an interview published on the Argentinian embassy’s website, Castro said Corbyn had visited the Argentinian embassy in London and was “friendly and humorous”.
“He is saying that dialogue [is] possible and that attitudes are beginning to change, that what was achieved in Northern Ireland can be achieved also here,” she said.
Source: Jeremy Corbyn wants power-sharing deal for Falkland Islands | UK news | The Guardian
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They frightened very frightened that jc will take back control for the peasants jeff3
I’m not saying this happens in all cases (the reshuffle speculation being one of them), but quite often what happens is that either rumors start doing the rounds (usually caused by one of the tabloids), which then is followed by a load of nasty/sarcastic twitter comments being made about JC, or what happens is that JC does a TV interview, and some people clearly don’t listen properly to what JC has said, and then start raving and ranting (again nasty/sarcastic) about what he’s said. It’s quite laughable really. I’m sure that you’re already aware of all this though Mike :)
Yes. Except Alicia Castro isn’t a member of the ruling party but the recently ejected Peronists.
Thanks for that.