Londoners, do not listen to Cameron – you’ve been HIS ‘lab rats’ for years
‘Delivering for Londoners’ – that’s if you’re in the top-decile income bracket; if you earn less than £75,000 per year, forget it.
David Cameron really should think before speaking.
Before spouting unfounded claims that a Labour Mayor would turn Londoners into ‘lab rats’ for economic ‘experiments’ by Jeremy Corbyn, perhaps he should have reflected on the effect his own unfounded, unevidenced economic experiments have had on the citizens of the UK’s capital, since he took office in 2010.
How many Londoners has he tried to drive out of the city with his hated Bedroom Tax?
How many Londoners has he driven to poverty with his drive for minimum wage, zero-hour or part-time employment?
How many Londoners have been subjected to harassment because of ‘divide and rule’ policies that set people against the sick, the disabled, and anybody who might seem to be a migrant at first glance?
Too many.
Meanwhile, what happened about those allegations that the Zac Goldsmith campaign was riddled with racism and sectarianism against Muslims?
David Cameron has urged Londoners not to elect Labour’s Sadiq Khan as their next mayor, claiming they will become “lab rats” for party leader Jeremy Corbyn’s economic experiments.
Speaking at a rally for Tory candidate Zac Goldsmith, the prime minister warned about the dangers of a Labour victory for the capital’s economy.
Mr Goldsmith said his Labour rival was “Mr Corbyn’s man” in City Hall.
But Mr Khan said he was “no patsy” to Mr Corbyn and would stand up to him.
Source: Londoners should not let Corbyn ‘experiment’ with city – PM – BBC News
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I feel it is evident Cameron is nervous of Jeremy Corbin as he can only act as a bully coming out with his childish remarks constantly. I can not understand why everyone doesn’t see throught he childish act and constant lies. I feel like telling him to grow up, stop his lies and look after all the people of our country not just the rich. For goodness sake everyone see him for what he is, a spoilt brat who has no compassion nor shame!
I entirely agree with you. British people just aceeot his gobbiness with little real dissent exceptnon social media sites like this.The London cabbies complained about Uber but thats all they did. Whereas in Paris they blocked motorways, set tyres on fire and caused mayhem around the capital. Wake up Britain ffs.
how many Londoners have died due to the Lab rat – attitude of Johnson who has closed many fire stations.?
How many will die in future floods due to shortsighted policies and depleted rescue resources?